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基于WEB的师生教学学习交流平台设计与实现 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+外文翻译及原文+答辩PPT+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要


师生互动系统内容分为三个子系统:一个是教师功能子系统,一个是学生功能子系统,还有一个是超级管理员功能子系统。系统设计利用一些前沿优秀的教育学理论为指导,学习其他院校、公司的网络交互平台的设计优势,结合传统教学与现代教学的差异化要求,对平台的需求做出具体明确的归纳;在内容的判断、筛选和利用上,都按人才培养计划的目标进行,以互动学习为主,设计出决定性的平台功能模块。系统平台的实现,着力从技术层面角度出发,以JSP技术为主和其他一些关键技术的引用,运用SQL Server数据库。在软件平台的设计上,以交互式体验为指导,努力设计出美观简洁的平台界面。师生互动学习平台的建立与实现,有利于提高学生学习的积极性、主动性和创造性;也是跨越多种专业理论、技术和功能的一种尝试。

关键词:网络学习,网络交流互动,JSP,SQL Server


The teacher-student interaction system, refers to the main body of teachers and students or students and students communicate interactive learning, learning resources relates to all network, system software and hardware facilities, and interactive services sum. With the development of educational network, in view of the current development of web teaching function of the Software Institute of North Central University is relatively insufficient, proposed the establishment of a high frequency of use of interactive learning platform, to meet the college network teaching aims and demands positive. The teacher-student interaction system with interactive communication, convenient and quick, the teachers and students or between students and students "zero distance" and other characteristics, teachers and students can interact, timely solve problems, teachers can grasp the students, not just limited to the previous class, can improve the efficiency of the overall level of teaching and students our school learning. This framework module for learning platform to analyze, design and implementation.

The teacher-student interaction system consists of three subsystems: one is the teacher function subsystem, a student function subsystem and super admin subsystem. System design using some advanced excellent education theory as the instruction, design advantage learning interactive network platform, the company's other colleges, different combination of traditional teaching and modern teaching requirements, to make specific induction to the platform needs; screening and utilization in the content of the judgment, according to personnel training goal for, to interactive learning, designs the platform function module decisive. Realizing the system platform, focus on from a technical perspective, the reference to JSP technology and other key technology, the use of SQL Server database. In the design of software platform, the interactive experience as the guidance, efforts to design the appearance concise interface. The establishment and implementation of interactive learning platform, which is beneficial to improve the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of students; an attempt

is across a variety of professional theory, technology and function.

Keywords: network learning, network communication, JSP, SQL Server

6 系统研究的意义及优缺点

7 结论

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