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Fire is a very destructive disaster phenomenon that severely threats human' lives and safety. For thousands years, people has been battled continuously with fire. With unceasing exploration, conditions of fire occurrence and combustion mechanism have been gradually grasped, creating many effective methods for preventing and fighting fire. With the development of our country, more and more large-scale comprehensive buildings arise in our life, which provides convenience for our life in a great degree. But the potential safety hazards accompanying with it have to be paid attention to. Large population flow and dense population, all of these are potential safety hazards. Therefore, systematical research on fire safety of high-rise shopping malls contributes to find out the potential safety hazards in time and timely eliminate them. It provides technology means for the mall' construction fireproof design, fire facilities design and internal fire safety management and provides theoretical basis for the safety management of such buildings by government, which more effectively guarantees the safety of people's lives and property.

Water fire extinguishing system plays a vital role in our life. Therefore, I will design a fire extinguishing system for a 5-storey shopping mall in this design. Search related literature and specification requirements, complete the design of the hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system of the building.

Keywords: fire, preventing and fighting.


第一章.绪论 1

1.1设计目的与意义 1

1.2消防水灭火系统简介 1

1.2.1消火栓系统 1

1.2.2自动喷水灭火系统 2

第二章.工程概况 3

2.1概述 3

2.2消火栓系统设计思路 3

2.3自动喷水灭火系统设计思路 3

2.3绘制图纸 4

2.3.1绘制系统水力计算示意图 4

2.3.2绘制消防给水平面布置图 4

第三章.消火栓系统设计 5

3.1消火栓设置原则 5

3.1.1消火栓设置原则 5

3.1.2室外消火栓的设置要求 5

3.1.3室内消火栓的设置要求 5

3.2室外消火栓设计 6

3.2.1消火栓的选型 6

3.2.2室外消火栓的数量 6

3.3室内消火栓设计 8

3.3.1消火栓、水带、水枪的选取 8

3.3.2设计喷嘴压力和水枪设计流量 9

3.3.3确定室内消火栓系统的消防用水量 11

3.3.4消火栓布置参数 11

3.3.5计算最不利点消火栓栓口处的水压 12

3.3.6确定消防给水管网的管径 12

3.3.7计算最不利管路的水头损失 13

3.3.8系统水力计算 15

3.3.9水泵扬程 16

3.3.10增压设备和水泵 17

3.3.11消防水箱和消防水池 17

3.3.12水泵接合器 18

3.4消火栓系统小结 18

第四章.自动喷水灭火系统设计 19

4.1系统设计参数 19

4.1.1系统的选型 19

4.1.2系统设计基本参数 19

4.2.系统基本组成 19

4.2.1喷头选型 19

4.2.2报警阀组 20

4.2.3水流指示器和末端试水装置 22

4.3喷头布置 22

4..4系统水力计算 23

4.4.1设计计算步骤 23

4.4.2计算过程 24

4.5.确定水泵扬程 28

4.6.系统的增压设备和水泵的选取 29

4.7系统的减压设备 29

4.8消防水池和消防水箱 30

4.9水泵接合器 31

4.10自动喷水灭火系统小结 31

第五章.总结 32

5.1消火栓系统总结 32

5.1.1室内消火栓 32

5.1.2室外消火栓 32

5.2自动喷水灭火系统的总结 32

5.2.1系统参数 32

5.2.2系统其它组成说明 32

参考文献 34

致谢 35

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