摘 要
In today's energy shortage, and the wind energy utilization in recent years more and more get the attention of people, on the one hand, the utilization rate of wind power, on the other hand is to the attention of the wind motor life. This paper in-depth studies wind turbine hydraulic yaw system, and the different factors affecting the yaw, MW grade wind turbine used in this paper using hydraulic yaw control, and the yaw system is the key of the wind turbine, this paper expounds the structure and hydraulic principle diagram, based on this, expounds the hydraulic yaw control system how to realize the automatic yaw, lateral wind 90 degrees, artificial yaw and automated solutions for cable, and other functions, the system adopts hydraulic system as the main control system, with high stability and reliability. But also can improve the efficiency of wind turbines use wind energy and wind motor service life
Key Words:wind turbine generator; yaw control system;hydraulic
目 录
第一章 概述 1
1.1 风能 1
1.2 国内外风电发展概况 1
1.2.1 国外风电发展 2
1.2.2 我国风电发展概况 3
1.3 小结 3
第二章 风力发电机偏航系统 4
2.1偏航控制系统的功能 4
2.3风向信号和风机位置对偏航工况的影响 5
2.3.2风速的测量 6
2.3.3 风电机地理位置对偏航设备的影响 7
2.4小结 7
第三章 偏航系统的组成简介及其液压原理图 9
3.1.1偏航大齿圈 9
3.1.2偏航侧面轴承 9
3.2偏航驱动装置 11
3.2.1液压马达的选取 11
3.3偏航附件装置 13
3.3.1偏航计数器 13
3.3.2偏航限位开关 13
3.3.3偏航刹车盘 13
3.3.4接近开关、风速风向仪等 13
3.5 偏航系统结构图 14
3.2液压偏航控制原理图设计 14
第四章 风电机偏航控制过程 17
4.1偏航过程分析和算法流程 18
4.1.1自动偏航 18
4.1.2 90度侧风 19
4.1.3人工偏航 21
4.1.4自动解缆 23
4.2本章小结 25
第五章 总结与展望 26
5.1 全文总结 26
5.2 展望 26
参 考 文 献 28
致谢 29