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Overall design of integrated agricultural vehicle system for grain bundling

Abstract: As the largest crop in China,the development of grain cutting and bundling agricultural vehicles is very slow. The starting point of this paper is that in view of this,taking the existing grain cutting and bundling integrated agricultural vehicles as the starting point why they can not adapt to Chinese grain planting agronomy,the most representative front hanging grain cutting and bundling integrated agricultural vehicles are selected to carry out the improved innovative design,so that the improved models can make the agricultural machinery and agronomy to get the maximum combination. In this paper,the whole mechanism theory of grain cutting and bundling agricultural vehicle is studied. Analyzing the use and present situation of all kinds of grain cutting and bundling integrated agricultural vehicles at home and abroad,finding suitable for me  the corresponding models of the national situation,and the key parts of it are designed and calculated to ensure the reliability of the operation of the mechanism.

Key words: Cut-and-bind agricultural vehicles,Solidworks,CAD

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究主要内容 3

2谷物割捆一体农用车系统整体分析 4

2.1谷物割捆一体农用车主体设计 4

2.2整机结构分析 5

2.3谷物割捆一体农用机的总体布置 6

3谷物割捆一体农用车系统整体设计 7

3.1整体结构图 7

3.2收割结构 8

3.2.1结构分析 8

3.2.2图纸设计 8

3.3传送结构 9

3.3.1结构分析 9

3.3.3传动分析 9

3.3.4皮带尺寸设计 10

3.4打捆结构 11

3.4.1结构分析 11

3.4.2整体传动结构 13

4总结 14

致  谢 17

参考文献 18

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