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摘   要




With the continuous development of science and technology,machinery and equipment are toward the direction of the development of the high-performance, high automation, high efficiency and high reliability . Gear box has the advantages of the transmission ratio fixed, the drive torque, compact gear box is the most commonly used to change the speed and transmission of power transmission components. It is an important component of the machinery and equipment, but is also a part of the most prone to failure. And of the machinery and equipment, the gear is a high frequency of use , so the gear fault diagnosis technology have played a very important role for the use of the quality and service life of the machine. The article is from time domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain, the empirical mode decomposition to study the gear fault diagnosis. Time-domain analysis of the main application domain characteristic parameters of analytical methods for fault feature parameter extraction, frequency domain analysis of fast Fourier transform, the gear normal state and fault state comparative analysis of the vibration signal from the spectrogram. Time-frequency analysis is one-dimensional three-layer discrete wavelet transform, the original signal is subdivided into three layers, each layer is divided into high-frequency signals and low-frequency signals. Empirical mode decomposition is the practical application of fault vibration signals of gearbox fault signal feature information extracted by EMD, the collected vibration signals in gear four states provide an effective analytical tools to identify the type of fault. Fault information feature extraction is the most critical in gearbox fault diagnosis, one of the most important issues, is directly related to gearbox fault diagnosis accuracy and reliability of early fault prediction.

Keywords:Gear,Fault Diagnosis,Wavelet Transform,Empirical Mode Decomposition

目   录

前  言 1

第1章  绪论 2

第1.1节  齿轮故障诊断的简介及意义 2

1.1.1齿轮故障诊断一般步骤 2

1.1.2齿轮故障诊断的方法 2

1.1.3齿轮故障诊断的意义 3

第1.2节  国内外研究现状及趋势 4

第1.3节  本文研究的主要内容 6

第1.4节  本章小结 6

第2章  齿轮故障诊断基础 7

第2.1节  齿轮故障常见形式 7

2.1.1齿面磨损 7

2.1.2齿面胶合和擦伤 7

2.1.3齿面接触疲劳(点蚀、削落) 8

2.1.4弯曲疲劳和断齿 8

第2.2节  齿轮常见故障征兆 8

2.2.1设备在外观方面的故障征兆 8

2.2.2齿轮在性能方面的故障征兆 9

第2.3节  齿轮振动信号的特征分析 9

2.3.1齿轮轴的转动频率及其各次谐波 9

2.3.2齿轮的啮合频率 10

2.3.3由调制效应而产生的边频带 11

2.3.4齿轮振动的特征频率 12

2.3.5几种特殊状态齿轮的频域特征 13

第2.4节  齿轮故障诊断试验台及齿轮振动信号简介 14

第2.5节  MATLAB简介及在故障诊断中的应用 15

第2.6节  本章小结 17

第3章  齿轮故障诊断时域方法分析 18

第3.1节  时域分析的基本理论 18

3.1.1时频域分析 18

第3.2节  小波变换 19

3.2.1连续小波变换 20

3.2.2离散小波变换 21

第3.3节  一维离散小波MATLAB中实现方法 23

第3.4节  基于一维离散小波对齿轮故障诊断的研究 23

第3.5节  频域分析在齿轮故障诊断中的应用 26

3.5.1 MATLAB中的FFT变换 27

3.5.2频谱分析 27

第3.6节  本章结论 30

第4章  基于EMD的齿轮故障诊断 31

第4.1节  基于EMD(经验模式分解)的振动信号特征提取 31

4.1.1 EMD的研究背景 31

4.1.2经验模式分解(EMD)方法原理 31

4.1.3基于EMD的振动信号特征提取分析 33

第4.2节  基于EMD对齿轮故障诊断的研究 37

第4.3节  针对仿真出来的波形进行分析 43

第4.4节  本章小结 43

第5章  结论 44

第5.1节 本文结论 44


致   谢 47

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