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中学数学课程标准(教学大纲)的传承与变迁 毕业论文+初稿+参考文献
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





Mathematics syllabus (curriculum standard) is a programmatic document which is formulated by the national education department to guide mathematics teaching. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China,the country has issued a total of 12 syllabus,2 curriculum standards. Among them,every mathematics syllabus (curriculum standard) in primary and secondary schools is not only a guide to mathematics teaching in primary and secondary schools during this period,but also reflects the demands of people on mathematics education in primary and secondary schools at that time. According to the context of historical development,this paper reviews the mathematics teaching syllabus (curriculum standard) of primary and middle schools since the founding of New China,and objectively analyzes its occurrence and development,and makes an objective analysis of its occurrence and development. The similarities and differences of curriculum standards are analyzed and compared in four aspects: educational concept,curriculum objective,curriculum content and curriculum evaluation.

Based on the analysis of the main contents of the educational reform in 1990,2001 and 2011,this paper has a certain understanding of the future of the educational reform. On the basis of the collection and analysis of the literature,the main contents of the reform are found,and the content of the reform of the syllabus in the later period can be predicted from it. The concept of education has changed in mathematics view,mathematics curriculum view and mathematics teaching view,and the curriculum goal has also changed obviously. The elaboration of the curriculum objectives is gradually specific and scientific,and the contents of the curriculum goals are becoming more and more abundant. In the early days of the founding of New China,only the goal of “double bases” was paid attention to. ,and simple emotional goals,developed to later “bi-basic“,abilities,emotional goals,and then focus on knowledge,skills,processes,methods,emotions,attitudes,values,and so on,to the goals of knowledge,skills,processes,methods,emotions,attitudes,values,and so on;The content of the course is constantly rich and developing towards modernization. The content of the course changes from emphasizing the teaching of knowledge to paying attention to the infiltration of mathematical thought method. The strength of connecting the teaching content with reality is strengthened and the difficulty gradually decreases.

Key words: mathematics teaching;curriculum standard;syllabus;reform and change

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.3研究内容 3

第二章 1990以来我国中学数学课程标准(教学大纲)改革回顾 4

2.1改革回顾 4

2.1.1 1990年数学教学改革的内容 4

2.1.2 2001年数学教学改革的内容 5

2.1.3 2011年数学教学改革的内容 5

2.2 三个时间节点中教学改革的差异 5

第三章 中小学数学课程标准改革的启示 8

3.1大纲(现在称为课程标准)与教材的关系密不可分 8

3.2坚持“改革、发展、稳定”的方针 8

3.3积极摸索出我国国情的大纲(或课标) 8

3.4大纲的制定、修改、完善要以广泛的调查研究作为基础 9

3.5新课程标准中几点值得商榷的地方 9

总  结 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 13

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