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双馈式风力发电机组在线监控系统设计 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


本文在分析和研究双馈式风力发电原理与应用的基础上,设计了一套完整的双馈式风力发电机实时监控方案并且付诸实现。本设计采用S7-200可编程控制器通过电压 、电流以及温度传感器进行数据采集,通过GPRS无线通讯进行数据传输,采用LabVIEW软件对双馈式风力发电机的三相电压、三相电流、直流母线电压、温度进行监控并完成故障异常报警,并存储历史数据进行数据分析等,最后证明该监控系统能够完成对整个风机的有效监控
关键词:双馈式风力发电在线监控 PLCLabVIEWGPRS
    In recent years, the governments' support and encouragement, doubly-fed wind power generation technology obtained the rapid development of global wind power installed capacity is more and more big, but its mechanical structure is becoming more and more complex, so the present global doubly-fed type wind turbine frequent accidents problem is increasingly serious. Permanent magnet doubly-fed wind power generation system and doubly-fed wind power generation system are the two most common types of doubly-fed wind power generation system, and the current domestic most wind farms are in the use of doubly-fed wind power generators. Therefore, carries on the doubly-fed wind power generator on-line monitoring system design, the doubly-fed wind turbine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis technology and lower maintenance costs problem such as the development of the research has important significance.
Based on the analysis and study of doubly-fed wind power generation on the basis of the principle and application, designed a set of complete scheme for real-time monitoring of doubly-fed wind turbine of type and put into practice. This design USES the S7-200 programmable controller through the voltage, current and temperature sensors for data acquisition, data transmission through GPRS wireless communication, using kingview software for doubly-fed wind generator of three-phase voltage, three phase current, dc bus voltage, temperature monitoring and complete fault exception alarm, and store the history data for data analysis and so on, finally proved that the monitoring system can complete the effective monitoring of the fan.
    Keywords: doubly-fed wind power, condition monitoring, PLC and kingview, GPRS

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基于51单片机的非接触式TN90 某220kV降压变电站电气部分初 基于PLC自动温度控制镁精炼炉设
基于PLC的立体式仓库控制系统设 基于PLC的温室大棚控制系统设计 基于西门子S7-200PLC四层
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