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关键词:JSP;JSTL;考试;SQL Server 2000





   On-line examination system the aim is carry out examination of having no the paper turn a management, can carry on through Internet net or bureau area net to some examinations of categories, convenient school square test the management of duty, also convenient the examinee is particularly suitable for examinee to distribute widely and not easily concentrated of long range education.I mainly develop the system-Java of the backstage management's on-line examination management sub-system of system and it includes to try the management, on-line creation of a management, examinee to try book, control the constitution that the student examine and try an examination and approval etc. function.This thesis mainly introduced to manage the analysis, design of the sub-system and all processes of the development to Java's on-line examination.Make use of E-R diagram, procedure flow chart etc. to on-line manage the design process of sub-system to carry on expatiation.The full text is totally divided into the design, key technique of the analysis, system of the development project, need to solve, conclusion five part.Develop the main introduction in the project develops on-line examination system purpose, development project of choice and development frame of the assurance of technique;The need analysis introduced the total need of the on-line examination system and the function request of each mold of system piece;The system design introduced the design, system mold of the instruction thought, database of system design the design of the piece;The key technique introduced at concrete carry out need some techniques for solve, such as development frame of integration technique, development frame with The database link and the backup and revivification of data.
Keywords: JSP; JSTL; Examination; SQL Server 2000

目  录

1 概述 1
1.1 国内外考试系统现状 1
1.1.1 研究现状 1
1.1.2 应用现状 1
1.2 系统研究的主要内容及意义 2
1.3 开发工具简介 2
1.3.1 开发工具Eclipse 6.0 2
1.3.2 数据库SQL Server 2000 4
2 需求分析 5
2.1 系统基本需求分析 5
2.2 功能分析 5
2.3 性能需求 6
2.4 可行性分析 6
3 总体设计 8
3.1 系统功能模块图 8
3.2 数据库分析 8
3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 9
4 详细设计 12
4.1 系统流程分析 12
4.2 系统窗体划分 14
4.3 系统设计的难点及解决方案 15
5 系统实施 17
5.1 登陆模块及系统主界面的实现 17
5.1.1 设计登陆窗体 17
5.1.2 设计主窗体 18
5.2 考试模块实现 19
`5.2.1 修改用户资料 19
5.2.2 进入考试 20
5.3 查看成绩模块的实现 23
5.4 留言模块实现 24
5.5 管理员模块的实现 25
5.5.1 设计主窗体 25
5.5.2 设置本单元数据 26
5.6 学生管理模块的实现 27
5.6.1本单位信息设置窗体 27
5.6.1添加用户窗体 28
5.6.4 分页管理 30
5.7 成绩管理模块的设计 31
5.7.1本单位信息设置窗体 31
5.7.2查看不及格学生窗体 32
5.8 题库管理模块的设计 33
5.8.1判断题设置窗体 33
5.8.2选择题设置窗体 34
5.8.3问答题设置窗体 35
5.9 留言管理模块的设计 36
6 系统测试 37
6.1 测试需求及范围 37
6.2 部分测试用例及结果 38
6.3测试总结 40
7 总结 41
参考文献 42
致谢 43
附录:部分源程序代码 44
附件1 开题报告
附件2 英文原文及译文

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