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The hotel room reservation system based on mobile terminal design and implementation
学    号                
专业班级   软件工程 班级:1102班



摘    要
    在国内网上酒店预订发展相对较晚,虽然近年来发展迅速,但是同样有需要继续改进的地方。在 技术方面,目前多数网上酒店预订系统都采用 ASP 或 JSP 技术,后台管理采用传统的两层 C/S 或 B/S 结构。然后通过一些手机浏览器(Web browser)进行相关酒店休息的搜索。而基于近几年来比较火的 Android 操作系统的酒店预订的专门应用软件非常的少。但是随着移动互联网的普及应用以及速度的大 幅度提高和 4G 时代的即将到来,市场对于移动应用的需求逐渐增加,而国内对于此的研究还不是很成 熟。因此,本设计应用自己所学的知识以及拓展阅读相关文档资料,设计一个基于 Android 操作系统的酒店预订管理系统。
本设计主要是利用云端应用技术,云是服务器,端是客户端。通过客户端进行一系列的查看搜索 修改等处理。主要是完成客户端与服务器端的连接与通信。本系统客户端采用 Android 操作系统,实现 时使用 ATD、Android-SDK 插件以及 eclipse 开发环境进行客户端软件的开发。而服务器端数据库采用 JDBC 连接的方式连接 MySQL 数据库;服务器端编程主要采用 JSP 技术,并潜入 Java Script 技术、Html 技术、Servlet 等技术。
设计实现了客户对所有已注册酒店的查看,相关房间信息查看和预订,用户个人信息查看修改, 用户订单查看和修改;以及酒店管理员对客户信息查看和修改,酒店订单查看与处理,管理员信息查 看与修改,酒店添加、查看与修改,相关酒店各种房间的添加、查看与修改等基本的酒店客户预订功 能和管理员的管理功能。  另外本系统还支持已注册用户在线备注订单信息,和消费后对酒店的评价,以方便后来用户知道 此酒店更多更具体的情况,以及相关酒店的模糊搜索。管理员也可以根据具体的酒店运行办法对酒店 的房间进行价位的变动,以适应市场的需求。



    In the domestic online hotel reservations relatively late development, although in recent years has developed rapidly, but there is also the need to continue to improve. On the technical side, for most online hotel reservation systems use ASP or JSP technology, back office management using the traditional two-tier C / S or B / S structure. Related to the hotel and then search through some mobile browser (Web browser). And in recent years, more fire-based Android operating system Hotels specific application software is very small. However, with the substantial increase in the popularity of mobile Internet applications as well as speed and 4G era is coming, increasing market demand for mobile applications, and domestic for this study it is not very mature. Therefore, the design of the application of their knowledge and expand reading related documentation, design-based Android operating system, the hotel reservation management system.
    This design technique is the use of cloud applications, cloud server, the end is the client. A series of modifications, etc. See search process by the client. Notably the completion of the connection with the communication client and server. The client uses the Android operating system, using ATD when implementing, Android-SDK plug-ins and eclipse development environment for client software. The server-side database connection by way of JDBC connection to the MySQL database; server-side programming mainly uses JSP technology, and sneaked into the Java Script technology, Html technology, Servlet technology.
    Designed and implemented for all registered hotel customers to view, relevant information to view and book rooms, view personal information modify, view and modify customer orders; and hotel administrators to view and modify customer information, hotel bookings viewing and processing, administrator View and modify, hotels add, view and modify, add various relevant hotel room to view and modify the basic of hotel clients booking capabilities and administrator management functions. In addition the system also supports registered users online Remark order information, and evaluation of the hotel after consumption, in order to facilitate the later users know that this hotel is more and more specific, as well as the relevant hotel fuzzy searches. Administrators can also change the price of the hotel room, depending on the hotel run way, to meet the needs of the market.

Keywords: Hotels; Android platform; mobile phone side

目    录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1系统开发背景和研究意义 1
1.1.1国外研究现状 1
1.1.2 国内研究现状 2
1.1.3 系统开发目的及意义 2
1.2系统开发工具及环境搭建 3
1.3系统架构概述 3
1.4系统开发环境介绍 4
1.4.1 开发工具的选择 4
1.4.2 Android 介绍 5
1.4.3 JSP 介绍 7
第2章 需求分析 9
2.1用户需求描述 9
2.2系统功能需求 9
2.3系统性能需求 12
第3章 概要设计 13
3.1 软件功能模块 13
3.2 系统功能模块 13
3.3 数据库分析和设计 15
3.3.1数据库概念结构设计 15
3.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计 16
第4章 详细设计与实现 18
4.1数据库连接 18
4.2主界面功能的实现 19
4.3查看酒店信息列表的界面 19
4.3.1酒店信息列表 19
4.4酒店预定功能 22
第5章 系统测试和维护 23
5.1系统测试 23
5.2系统维护 24
结束语 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27


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