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摘 要

关键词:防爆盖;  专用夹具;  工艺工装设计




   This design is centered around the explosion-proof cover the machining process and
fixture to start. Content mainly includes the following aspects: Design of explosion-proof cover parts of the processing ( including cutting man-hour calculation ) design with two sets of special fixture, against which a set for demolition painting.Make twelve thousand word instruction.
   This paper introduces is explosion-proof cover machining process and equipment design. The metal cutting process, the workpiece in the machine tool installation way is installed and used for machine tool fixture installation two, batch, mass production should be used in machine tool fixture installation. The machine tool and the workpiece fixture is connected between the device, so that the workpiece relative to the tool or tool to obtain the correct position. The fixture will directly affect the quality of the surface of the workpiece processing position precision, so the machine tool design fixture design is an important work, is the machining process is one of the most active factors. Special fixture is designed for a part of a procedure specially designed. Explosion proof cover fixture respectively circular contour lathe processing fixture and processing thread holes and thread rocker drilling jig.
    Since the workpiece to mass production, should adopt the special clamping device. So in order to meet the needs of production, using CA-6140 lathe, radial drilling machine, design of special fixture.
    The fixture is a very important design procedure, design quality directly determines the feasibility of often fixture design. So, to determine the scheme of subject to fully study and discussion to determine the optimal scheme.
    Because the hydraulic transmission has many advantages, such as compact structure, small volume, light weight, fast response, large bearing capacity; is easy to realize the stepless speed regulation, speed ratio; smooth movement; automation; and can realize the more complex automation work cycle; with self lubricating capacity; small abrasion, long service life; hydraulic components is easy to achieve universal, standardized, convenient mass production. Therefore, this time design of the lathe clamping means may also be used in hydraulic press.
Key words: explosion-proof cover; fixture;fixture design
目  录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ                                        
1 防爆盖的工艺分析 1
1.1 防爆盖的作用 1
1.2 防爆盖的毛坯生产类型 1
1.3 毛坯的铸造形式 1
1.4 毛坯精度要求 1
1.5 确定加工余量 1
1.6 确定尺寸偏差 1
2  工艺规程的设计 2
2.1 毛坯的材料及制造 2
2.2 定位基面的选择 2
2.3 工艺路线的拟定 3
2.4 制定工艺路线 4
2.5 工艺方案比较与分析 4
2.6 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 4
2.7 确定切削余量及基本工时 5
3  专用机具的设计 7
3.1 夹具的结构设计 7
3.2 定位误差分析与计算 15
3.3钻床夹具设计 16
3.4夹紧定位误差分析及计算 18
4  结论 20
5  致谢  21
6  参考文献 22
7  附录A 23
8  附录B 32
9 防爆盖实体图 39

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