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【摘   要】



系统前台通过JSP页面来来展示数据,后台基于java技术和eclipse (朱诺)和tomcat 7.x开发,前台运用html+css技术渲染页面,后台使用springmvc、spring、myBatis对数据进行封装和操作,该系统运用MySql 5.X 数据库进行数据的维护。页面美观,使用方便。

【关键词】:MySql数据库; JAVA; SSM;网上购物商城


This paper mainly focuses on the clothing sales system design and development of a number of paper, including the system design and implementation of a total of two parts, part of the system design and database analysis and design were described; the realization part includes the various functions of the system.

Clothing sales system includes two modules: front user module and the background administrator module, the front desk users can browse through the browser client page and a series of shopping operations. The background administrator can view all the information of all users can be on the site of all the clothing category to modify, but also for all users to view the order status.

In front of the system through the JSP page to display the background data, Java technology and based on eclipse (Zhu Nuo) and Tomcat 7.x development, the use of html+css technology to render the page, the background using springmvc, spring, myBatis package and operation of data, the system uses MySql 5.X database for data maintenance. Beautiful page, easy to use.


目  录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 目的和意义 1

1.3 开发工具及技术 1

2 需求分析 3

2.1 功能需求分析 3

2.1.1 网站前台功能 3

2.1.2 网站后台功能 3

2.2 性能分析 3

2.3 系统用户用例图 4

3 系统设计 5

3.1 系统的总体设计 5

3.2 数据库的分析与设计 5

3.2.1数据库概念设计 6

3.2.2数据库物理结构 7

4 系统主要功能实现 11

4.1 系统注册页面实现 11

4.2 系统登录页面实现 12

4.3系统前台功能实现 14

4.3.1一级分类模块 14

4.3.2商品模块 16

4.3.3购物模块 22

4.3.4订单模块 24

4.3.5留言模块 26

4.4系统后台功能实现 27

4.4.1用户模块 27

4.4.2一级分类模块 28

4.4.3二级分类模块 32

4.4.4商品分类模块 36

4.4.5留言管理模块 38

5 系统测试与维护 40

5.1系统测试环境 40

5.1.1硬件环境 40

5.1.2软件环境 40

5.2系统测试内容 40

5.3系统维护 41

6总结 42

7参考文献 43

8致谢 44

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