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该建筑为五层建筑,并有地下室,总建筑面积为8904m2。该商场一层最大冷负荷为QC=111004.6W,出现在16:00时,冷负荷指标为:86.0W/m2;二到五层最大冷负荷为QC=114662.3W,出现在16:00时,冷负荷指标:85.5W/m2;五层最大冷负荷为QC=134609.0W,出现在21:00时,冷负荷指标:100.4 W/m2。通过计算后整栋商场的热负荷为Q=167103.7 W

热负荷指标:27.5   W/m2。各层层高详见图纸, 地下室为制冷、空调机房、换热间、水泵房、配电室等,战时为人防工程,和平时期为停车库。

设计内容包括: 空调冷负荷的计算;空调系统的划分与系统方案的确定;空调末端处理设备的选型;风系统的设计与计算;室内送风方式与气流组织形式的选定;水系统的设计、布置与水力计算; 风管系统与水管系统保温层的设计;消声防振设计;等内容。




The graduation project designs a central air conditioning system for Xi'an, central air-conditioning system in a shopping mall, so as to create a comfortable work environment for the stuff.

For the five-storey building of the building and the basement, with a total construction area of 8904m2,The biggest shopping mall cooling load for a layer of QC = 111004.6W, appears in 16:00, the cooling load indicators: 86.0W/m2; two to five the maximum cooling load for QC = 114662.3W, appears in the 16:00 am, cooling load indicators: 85.5W/m2; cooling load for the five largest QC = 134609.0W, appears in 21:00, the cooling load indicators: 100.4 W/m2. After the entire shopping center by calculating the heat load for Q = 167103.7 W Indicators of heat load: 27.5 W/m2. Detailed drawings of the high levels, the basement for the refrigeration, air-conditioned room, heat exchanger, the pump rooms, power distribution room, in time of war for civil air defense projects for the parking garage in time of peace.

It contains: cooling load calculation; the estimation of system zoning; the selection of refrigeration units; the selection of air conditioning equipments; the design of air duct system and calculation; the estimation of air distribution method and the selection of relevant equipments; the design of water system and its resistance analysis; the insulation of air duct plant and chilled water pipes; noise and vibration control; etc.

According to some correlation standard, allow for energy safe and indoor comfort, the air condition system of the design is All-air system.

Key words: shopping mall; Central air conditioning;

All-air system;

The function compare.

目 录

摘要........................................................................... 1

第1章 绪论................................................................... 5

1.1 我国暖通空调的现状及发展.............................................. 5

1.2 建筑空调系统节能国内外研究状........................................ 5

1.3 空调系统的设计与建筑节能............................................ 6

1.4 空调的发展和前景...................................................... 7

1.5 原始资料................................................................ 9

第2章 空调负荷计算负荷的计算.............................................. 5

2.1 夏季冷负荷的计算....................................................... 11

2.2 冬季热负荷的计算....................................................... 20

2.3 房间散湿量............................................................. 26

2.4 新风负荷............................................................... 26

第3章 空调系统方案的确定和风量的计算................................... 29

3.1 划分空调系统,确定空调方案............................................. 33

3.2 确定送风状态点......................................................... 36

3.4 空调系统运行调节....................................................... 36

第4章 空调设备的选择...................................................... 37

4.3 空调机组的选型......................................................... 37

4.5 冷水机组的选型….......................................................39

第5章 确定房间的气流组织计算............................................ 42

5.1 气流组织介绍........................................................... 42

5.2送风口与回风口......................................................... 43

5.3风口型式的确定......................................................... 43

5.4散流器平送气流组织计算................................................. 44

第6章 风管水力计算......................................................... 47

6.1 空调系统的风管布置..................................................... 47

6.2风管水力计算......................................................... 48

6.3回风管的布置........................................................... 60

6.4冷却塔的选择........................................................... 61

第7章 排风系统的设计  .................................................... 62

第8章 确定管道的消声、减振的措施........................................ 64

9.1空调系统的消声......................................................... 64

9.2空调系统得减振......................................................... 66

第9章 确定管道的保温、防腐的措施........................................ 67


10.2保温层厚度的选定...................................................... 67

10.3施工说明.............................................................. 68

结论........................................................................... 69

参考文献....................................................................... 70

致谢........................................................................... 72

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