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This building electrical design of the office building is a graduation design,The purpose of this design is to give us a chance of synthetical usage of the knowledge we have learned. Besides, it can train our ability to analyze and solve practical problems in Construct electricity in dependently so that the theory is connected with practice and a solid base is made in favor of future work.

The topic name of this design is the building electrical design of Jin Shui Wan Hua Yuan Xiao Qu 5# building Electrical Design.This thesis mainly explains the electrical design basis ,principle, methods and  the conclusion of the design choice in each system in the design of Residential buildings. The thesis includes six Chapters. previous four Chapters are  mostly about the design of the forceful electric power Part; Chapter 5 and 6 are mostly  about the design of the  light current .

The part of the forceful electric power mainly including: the distribution system of the low voltage, lighting system and rounding for lightening systematical compose ,among others include load calculation, illumination calculation . The major ones are lighting and socket system plan layout, equipment selection, according to the room illumination requirements of the different illumination calculation based on the results of the calculation results choose the appropriate lighting. Also on the supply and lightning protection grounding system design.

The part of the light current mainly including: CATV, elephone and Internet systems and so on,which the CATV and Internet plans are the key drawing.

The design adds up to 20 electric charts.(Including 1Hand-drawn charts),There are one piece of legend, 14 pieces of the strong electric plane drawings and system drawings, and 5 pieces of the weak electric plane drawings and system drawings.

Key Words: Low voltage distribution; Illumination; Plug; CATV; Internet


第一章 前言 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2设计原则 1

1.3设计内容 1

第二章 照明系统设计 3

2.1 照明设计概述 3

2.2 电气照明设计考虑要素 3

2.3 照明设计的内容及一般规定 3

2.3.1照明设计主要内容 3

2.3.2照明种类 4

2.3.3照明设计的一般规定 4

2.4 照明计算 5

2.4.1照度选择推荐值 5

2.4.2照度计算公式 5

2.4.3本工程照度计算 7

第三章 插座系统设计 12

3.1 插座设计原则及要求 12

3.1.1 插座设计概述 12

3.1.2一般规定 12

3.1.3具体要求 12

3.2插座的接线方式 14

3.3本工程插座设计 14

第四章 低压配电系统设计 17

4.1负荷分级和供电要求 17

4.1.1负荷分级 17

4.1.2各负荷对供电电源的要求 17

4.1.3配电系统设计的一般规定 18

4.1.4配电系统形式 19

4.2 导线选择与敷设 19

4.2.1 导线选择 19

4.2.2 导线敷设及型号 21

4.3 负荷计算 22

4.3.1 负荷计算的方法及选用原则 22

4.3.2本工程负荷计算 24

第五章 防雷接地系统设计 28

5.1防雷系统 28

5.1.1防雷系统概述 28

5.1.2防雷分类 28

5.1.3本建筑物年预计雷击次数的计算 28

5.1.4本工程防雷系统设计 29

5.2接地系统 29

5.2.1接地及等电位 29

5.2.2本工程防雷接地保护措施 32

第六章 有线电视系统设计 33

6.1有线电视系统概述 33

6.2有线电视设计原则和一般规定 33

6.2.1设计原则和要求 33

6.2.2一般规定 35

6.3同轴电缆的选用 36

6.4本工程有线电视系统设计 37

第七章 电话及网络系统设计 44

7.1电话系统 44

7.1.1 电话系统概述 44

7. 1.2电话系统设计一般原则 44

7.1.3电话电缆引入住宅楼要求 44

7. 1.4本工程电话系统设计 45

7.2 网络系统 46

7.2.1 网络系统一般规定 46

7.2.2本工程网络系统设计 46

第八章 技术经济分析 47

第九章 结论 48

参考文献 49

致谢 50

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