摘 要
In recent years, with the growing popularity of the Internet and computers, people can get a lot of information easily, and database technology continues to mature through Intel network, information becomes easily to be recorded, it is easier to develop Web applications based on Information Management System. A variety of information management systems continue to emerge.
During the development, MyEclipse compiler, JDK development environment was used, network services use the Tomcat application server, JSP technology is mainly responsible for the front page of the presentation, SSH framework to implement business logic control and database connections, data persistence .
House rental is an important part of people's lives, past rental information campaign conducted by pasting advertising, not only time-consuming and inefficient. But now, you can publish a variety of rental housing, for sale, for housing, to attract buyers and other information over the Internet easily. it reduce the cost of information dissemination greatly. Therefore, in order to meet the social needs. the development of the housing rental system is needed, only login to this website you can rent a perfect house quickly
Key words: Rental, Management system, SSH Framework, B/S Model