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Fault location technique using GA-ANFIS for UHV line(word免费下载)
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

Fault location technique using GA-ANFIS for UHV line





1Suguna College of Engineering Coimbatore

Coimbatore, India


2Institute of Technology Coimbatore

Coimbatore, India


e-mail: g.banusridhar@gmail.com, ssujacit@yahoo.com


(Received: 29.01.2014, revised: 24.03.2014)



Abstract: This paper presents an improved approach for locating and identifying faults for UHV overhead Transmission line by using GA-ANFIS. The proposed method uses one end data to identify the fault location. The ANFIS can be viewed either as a Fuzzy system, neural network or fuzzy neural network FNN. The integration with neural tech-nology enhances fuzzy logic system on learning capabilities are proposed to analyze the UHV system under different fault conditions. The performance variation of two con-trollers in finding fault location is analyzed. This paper analyses various faults under different conditions in an UHV using Matlab/simulink. The proposed method is eva-luated under different fault conditions such as fault inception angle, fault resistance and fault distance. Simulation results confirm that the proposed method can be used as an efficient for accurate fault location on the transmission line.


Key words: GA – ANFIS, Fault location, Fault resistance, one end data, UHV line




1. Introduction


In power systems, transmission and distribution lines are vital links that achieve the con-tinuity of service from the generating plants to the end users. Protection systems for trans-mission lines are one of the most important parts in power systems. Fault location is a de-sirable feature in any protection scheme.


Accurate location of transmission line faults has been a subject of interest for several years. The major reason for this activity is that an accurate location of fault can reduce the time required for restoring service to customers. A very high degree of accuracy is thus required that cannot be achieved using conventional techniques; because of the wide variation in power system and fault conditions that occur in practice and these in turn can have a significant influence on the degree of accuracy achievable with conventional fault location techniques. Fault location is one of the most important functions to help power engineers find in the fault point and then restore soon.


Fault location technique using GA-ANFIS for UHV line(word免费下载).doc
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