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1章 滤波器的基本概念 4

1.1 滤波器的定义 4

1.2 滤波器的发展 4

1.3 滤波器的分类 5

2章 滤波器的原理与设计 7

2.1 模拟滤波器的原理与设计 7

2.2 数字滤波器的原理与设计 8

3章 IIR数字滤波器的设计 10

3.1  IIR数字滤波器简介 10

3.2  IIR数字滤波器的主要技术指标 10

3.3  IIR数字滤波器的设计过程 12

3.3.1用脉冲相应不变法设计IIR数字滤波器 13

3.3.2双线性变换法设计IIR数字滤波器 16

4章 IIR数字滤波器的实现 20

4.1  matlab简介 20

4.1.1  matlab的概况 20

4.1.2  matlab的语言特点 20

4.1.3  matlab的功能 22

4.2 利用模拟原型进行IIR数字滤波器的设计和仿真 23

4.2.1巴沃斯(Butterworth)和椭圆数字低通滤波器的设计 24

4.2.2切比雪夫(Chebyshev)数字滤波器的设计 30

4.3 IIR数字滤波器的直接设计法 34

5章 IIR数字滤波器的综合设计和仿真 40

5.1数字低通滤波器设计实例与仿真 40

5.2数字带通滤波器设计实例与仿真 42



参考文献 47

毕业设计小结 48



本文根据模拟滤波器的设计原理,提出了IIR数字滤波器的设计方法,并在MATLAB环境下实现了IIR 数字滤波器的设计和仿真。其主要内容概括为:首先对滤波器的原理和设计进行了介绍;接着描述了IIR数字滤波器的基本概念,其中包括系统的描述、系统的传递函数、系统的模型;接着简单介绍MATLAB,并对数字滤波器在MATLAB环境下如何实现进行了介绍;重点描述了IIR数字滤波器的设计过程,最后对IIR滤波器进行仿真。


关键词  MATLAB,  IIR数字滤波器  模拟滤波器




In modern communication system, because the signal is often mixed with various noise and interference, so a lot of signal analysis are based on the filter and the digital filter, and through numerical arithmetic to realize filtering, has high processing precision, stable, flexible, there is no problem of impedance matching and other advantages, can realize analog filter can achieve special filtering function.Digital filter based on the impulse response function in the time domain characteristics, can be divided into two types, namely, infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filters and finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter.Realization of IIR filter order is relatively low, the storage unit is less, high efficiency, high precision, and can retain some analog filter of excellent properties, so the application is very wide.Matlab software for matrix computation based on the calculation, visualization, and the program design of the organic integration of the interactive environment, and digital filtering for applications in research and provides an intuitive, efficient, convenient tool.Especially the Matlab signal processing toolbox to various fields of research personnel can undertake scientific research and engineering application.
    In this paper, according to the analog filter design theory, puts forward the design of IIR digital filter method, and MATLAB environment in the realization of IIR digital filter design and simulation.Its main content is wraparound for: first on the filter principle and design are introduced; then described the IIR basic concepts of digital filter, which includes system is described, the transfer function of the system, system model; then a brief introduction of the MATLAB, and the digital filters in the MATLAB environment how to realization are introduced; focus on the description of IIR digital filter design process, the last of the IIR filter simulation.


KEY WORDS:  MATLAB,  IIR digital filter,  Dimulation filt

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