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With the International energy crisis and the continued deterioration of the environment, Many countries increase the development of renewable energy today.However, with the population and other reasons,we can make use of the land area of sharp decline in spare. People have eyes to development and utilization of ocean energy.Ocean energy is a kind of renewable energy which is inexhaustible and no pollution.It is Physical and chemical energy expressed by Tides,waves,currents,temperature and salinity difference,and people Can obtain a lot of valuable energy from it.Tidal energy,wave energy,temperature energy and salinity energy can be bad to the development of high cost,relatively low efficiency of power  generation,and the scale of the development and utilization of difficulty.

Currents can flow refers to the kinetic energy of water.It is caused by the sail,the relative positions of Earth and the moon and the earth’s rotation.We have chosen current energy which is the relatively low development costs,development and utilization of the high feasibility.But the exploit of Current energy is a new subject not only in China but also in the other countries.

 There are many islands,post and villages in the remote sea areas and coastal areas, which are no power.And it is a problem about electricity and fresh water supply.If we can make use of daily continuous Current energy,it will be the most realistic way to improve their living conditions.Power devices immersed in seawater when We make use of Current energy, and the working environment of current energy generator determines the difficulties it faces. Therefore,we envisaged a new type of ocean current power generation devices and produced a model to deal with it.



Key words:Current energy;Current simulation test;Current generation devices



1. 绪论 5

1.1  海流能研究的背景 5

1.2.1  能源和环境危机 6

1.2.2  海流能研究的目的和意义 7

1.2  国内外海流能发电技术进展 8

1.2.1 传统海洋能利用技术 8

1.2.2  新型海流发电技术发展 9

1.2.3  垂直轴式海流能发电技术 9

1.2.4  水平轴式海流能发电技术 12

1.3  小结 14

2.  海流能发电机的工作原理及基本结构 15

2.1  海流能发电机的基本功能构成 16

2.2  海流能发电机的工作原理 17

2. 3  海流能发电机的基本结构 18

    231  叶轮 18

232  轮毂 18

233  主轴 19

234  齿轮箱 19

235  发电机 20

236  密封系统 22

237  对流装置 20

238  塔架 20

3.  海流能发电机主要零件的设计计算 21

3.1  确定设计目标 25

    311  海流能发电机总体设计方案 24

312  海流能发电机零件设计方案 26

3.2  海流能发电机设计中的相关理论及概念 27

    321  海流能发电机流体力学设计理论基础 27

322  叶片设计中的基本概念 30

33.海流能发电机叶轮系统设计计算 31

    331  叶轮的总体设计 31

332  叶片的设计计算 34

    333  轮毂的选择 36

3.4  海流能发电机增速器的设计计算 37

    341  传动方案的确定 37

342  增速器基本设计要求及设计步骤 38

343  传动原理图 39

344  低速齿轮传动设计 39

345  高速齿轮传动设计 43

3.5  塔架的设计 47

3.6  密封系统的设计 48

3.7  制动系统的设计 48

3.8  主梁载荷计算及强度校核 48

    381  流体动力载荷 49

382  重力载荷 49

    383  惯性力载荷 49

    384  主梁强度校核 51

总结 53

致谢 54

参考文献 55

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