关键字:数控车床 单片机 控制linear cutting线切割
electrical sparkle电火花
CNC lathe electrical design
The CNC lathe have got the extensive application in industry automate control. A control system for CNC lathe also expands continuously along with the computer but get further excellent turn. This text is a design for concerning CNC lathe controling system thesis. It said an important role for CNC lathe in now information industry society playing at first. And it of development general situation. Then pass to a project for CNC lathe working principle expatiating derivation a few controling system argument. Among them included to pass by system of progressive concle, and modern in common use microcomputer control system. Comparison them and then make sure the plan that use microcomputer to control it. And combined to introduce hardware circuit and software designs of the system one by one. In hardware circuit, to the 8031 and its peripheral expands circuit, the photo coupler circuit and power amplifier circuit etc. Several part of functionses and characteristics proceeded to describe detailedly and parameter analysis. But the software part example proceed the procedure design. And each one assembler collected flow chart, the contents is detailed. This text still involves the foundation of some subject which are 51 microcomputer application design in serieses, the computer interfacing and analogous circuit in etc..Pass the experiment finally to the accuracy that verify that system and maneuverability. Requirements of technology: the main control used by 8031 control , the cutter station used by two stepping engine to achieve X-Y flatness auto-manufacture, the precision of manufacture: tolerance ≤0.01mm
The design and thesis of document including: hardware design and software design.
KeyWord:CNC lathe microcomputer control
第一章 数控车床概述. 1
1.1 数控车床的分类. 1
1.2 数控车床的基本结构. 1
1.3 数控车床的现状与发展趋势. 2
第二章 单片机系统部分组成. 4
2.1 概述. 4
2.2 8031的内部结构. 4
2.2.1 8031的引脚. 5
2.2.2 8031的程序存储器. 6
2.2.3 8031的数据存储器. 7
2.3 工作方式. 7
2.4.程序存储器的扩展设计. 8
2.4.1 程序存储器的扩展. 8
2.4.2 数据存储器的扩展. 9
2.5 时钟电路. 10
2.6 复位和看门狗. 11
第三章 控制电路的设计. 12
3.1主电路设计. 12
3.2 并行接口电路. 12
3.3上位机接口. 13
3.4键盘及显示电路. 14
3.4.1 8279概述. 14
3.4.2引脚说明与接口电路. 14
3.4.3 时序. 15
3.5 检测部分 光栅传感器的应用. 16
第四章 软件设计. 18
总结. 25
致谢. 26
参考文献. 27
附录Ⅰ 硬件原理图. 28
附录Ⅱ 流程图. 29
第一章 数控车床概述
1.1 数控车床的分类
(1)立式数控车床 立式数控车床简称为数控立车,其车床主轴垂直于水平面,一个直径很大的圆形工作台,用来装夹工件。这类机床主要用于加工径向尺寸大、轴向尺寸相对较小的大型复杂零件。
(2)卧式数控车床 卧式数控车床又分为数控水平导轨卧式车床和数控倾斜导轨卧式车床。其倾斜导轨结构可以使车床具有更大的刚性,并易于排除切屑。
1.2 数控车床的基本结构