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    As we know,the type of Eccentric components is widely applicated in the field of mechanical parts,for example , in the mechanical transmission,the type of Eccentric components can make the rotary motion into reciprocating motion.Specifically,For instance the topic which we will research——Double Eccentric Crank Shaft:It not only can transmit an autobiography like a normal shaft parts,but also can transmit a revolution,so that Make some big machine not only improves the production efficiency,but also save the cost.

    After the full understanding of the features of the eccentric shaft parts, through the production practice, using knowledge what we learned , such as Machinery Manufacturing, Mechanical Design, Mechanical Drawing, etc., found that the traditional machining methods of eccentric shaft and fine-tuning three jaw, four jaw chuck method in guarantee processing results is not very good; First of all these methods processing difficulty, low efficiency, also is not easy to ensure accuracy, interchangeability is quite poor. So with this phenomenon, we need a high machining precision and efficient processing method——using combination of the special fixture.

Fixture play an irreplaceable role in the field of machinery, it can not only ensure the quality, increase productivity, reduce labor intensity, but also job security, so we need to make sure that in the design of the function and we should Pay attention to

The rationality of jig structure and precision manufacturing fixture, in order to achieve these goals, I also need to learn more about positioning principle, calculate fixture clamping force to ensure that production fixture precision and so on.

    First take a component which have already been processed as design of fixture , make it into the drawings with CAD software, understanding the features of component by wtaching the drawings, according to its characteristics to make machining process. Second learn the related knowledge about the fixture , using knowledge to design the fixture's general appearance. After a series of improvement, and finally using CAD software to draw fixture components drawing and assembly drawing.


 Key words: Fixture Eccentric shaftthe range of eccentricity Process analysis positioning



绪论 1

1 一般偏心轴的加工的简介 2

1.1偏心工件的传统车削方法 2

1.2传统加工手段分析 2

2 双偏心曲柄轴的机械加工工艺规程 5

2.1阅读并分析零件图 5

2.2生产类型的确定 6

2.3 材料及毛坯的选择 6

    2.3.1 零件材料的分析 6

    2.3.2 热处理 6

    2.3.3毛坯的确定 7

2.4 拟定机械加工工艺路线 7

    2.4.1定位基准的选择 8

    2.4.2加工方法选择 8

    2.4.3加工顺序的安排 9

 2.4.4双偏心曲柄轴加工工艺规程的确定 9

2.5 去顶满足各工序要求的工艺装备 10

    2.5.1机床的选择 10

    2.5.2工艺装备的选择 11

2.6确定各工序的加工余量、计算工艺尺寸 12

2.7确定切削用量 13

3 专用夹具的设计 17

3.1夹具的设计要求 17

3.2 夹具的主要设计过程 17

   3.2.1定位基准的选择 17

   3.2.2 定位方案 17

   3.2.3 计算切削力与夹紧力 17

3.3 夹具的设计 18

3.4 夹具的使用说明 19

4 双偏心曲柄轴加工误差的统计分析 20

4.1 目的 20

4.2 材料、工具、设备 20

4.2 操作步骤与误差分析 20

4.4 实验结果分析判断 24


参考文献 26



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