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Robotic nanomanipulation multi-function nursing bed research and discussion
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

Robotic nanomanipulation multi-function nursing bed research and discussion

Translators XXX

Abstract: the humanized design is an important concept of modern design, it emphasizes ergonomics design products, ecology, from the Angle of aesthetics, which reflects the perfect technological people-oriented thoughts. The nursing bed was based on the idea of design, it can not only realize carried back, lift the thigh, curved crus and adjust sitting position, and the function of Pro/E design through 3d entity modeling software is simulated and simulation analysis, further guidance and the rationality of design are verified. To meet the increasing family care requirements, the robot multiaxial coordinated control technique is applied in nursing bed control, developed a multi-function nursing bed robotic nanomanipulation. This nursing bed through each bed panel coordination between the movement, the single move or linkage ways various pose, and through the voice or keyboard to control the movement than appearance. Nursing bed control system consists of master control module and auxiliary control module two parts. One master control module adopts single-chip microcomputer control, such already can reduce costs, and can ensure the nursing bed operation flexibility and reliability; Auxiliary control modules including speech recognition and voice playback two parts function. The actual usage proved was developed nursing bed. This paper the practicability and effectiveness of medical paper nets to share with you!

Keywords: robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed; Control system; General cut; speech microcontroller

Summary: now, both developed and developing countries are facing more and more serious, the problem of aging population. Old people, the physiological function of degradation due to poor health, generally consumed a lot of medical resources, increase the burden of the hospital. In every country in the world in active seek out new health service mode, providing higher quality, more reliable and more accepting and cheap health services. So the construction of modern distance monitoring system, has the very good prospects for development. This paper studies a community-oriented robotic nanomanipulation based health intelligent monitoring system of multi-function type, of the patient's physiological parameters for continuous, long time, automatic, real-time detection, and the analysis and processing after realizing automatic alarm, automatic recording category, but also through the network for remote monitoring medical personnel the timely discovery of the patient's progress, at any time to take necessary care and emergency measures. With the rapid development of social economy, the people's standard of living rises ceaselessly, life expectancy rising longevity, the city's population is gradually entered the aging. According to statistics, in China's current population 1.32 billion, aging populations reach, and at an annual growth rate of 3.2%. One empty nester family total of all older family in some big cities, 25 8% in the larger ratio, such as Beijing, Shanghai 34% for 30%, guangzhou 34.8% in yesterday, tianjin for "o. the aging of the population of social medical service system put forward higher request, and establish a community as the core of the health monitoring and disease precontrol information system has great practical significance" o. elderly because the older, the body gradually reduce active, resistant to disease has decreased, and the disease in chronic diseases primarily. For chronic disease and paralytic character, besides the treatment with drugs and injection, physical way outside the nursing also indispensable. Correct and appropriate care can greatly enhance the patient's body activity, reduce the complications of chronic disease. For many produced by regular medication, concerned, proper monitoring and correct nursing, need not hospitalizations. Especially for those who long for a variety of reasons impossible patients treated in hospital, the elderly and disabled people speaking, equipped with necessary nursing equipment and utensils particularly important "compared to ordinary people. 瘫痪病, chronic patients, people with disabilities and bed time longer and more long, thus developing a kind of comfortable, nursing complete function, cost-effective nursing bed, will has a broad market prospect"? . At present, China is building community on public health service system, if will development of the nursing bed and community, hospital medical system connection, realize medical and nursing, health care, medical treatment, disease precontrol etc integration, can reduce the pressure, more reasonable hospital, effectively use existing resources for hospital "4". Meanwhile, through the hospitals, communities two information system establishment and connections, can greatly improve our public health event to deal with emergency response speed and processing power. In view of this, according to our social medical service development present situation and the practical demand, put forward a kind of multiaxial coordination based robot control techniques and speech recognition technology is muti_function nursing bed concept, successfully developed the robotic nanomanipulation multi-function nursing bed, and on this basis developed based on the nursing bed medical monitoring system of the club. This article mainly discusses the structure of robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed and control system are discussed.


Graph one common nursing bed structure


1 robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed structure

In the structure of robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed design, the main consideration the following son points: (1) the nursing bed should be able to realize all kinds of the nursing posture pose requirements; (2) all activities of bed panel swing Angle should comply with the medical care for both human comfort; and (3) nursing bed body reliability, stability and safety requirements, should accord with medical care (4) bed body size have certain space limits; (5) to consider nursing bed in the room moving simplicity and medical auxiliary devices (such as hanging liquid frame and book table) in nursing bed f: can be installed sex. The developed machine humanizing nursing bed bed surface structure as shown in figure 1 shows, to realize J, seven basic nursing bed of posture pose demands that a flat, carry back, flexor/leg, SLR, left/right turn, sitting up and solution then, seven panel is independent of each other. Through the coordination between each bed panel, using single movement or movement way to realize nursing bed linkage of all kinds of pose of posture pose. Nursing bed with corresponding bed panel action such as table l.3. Each bed panel swing Angle is as follows: the backplane (posture), o. 10 750; Backplane (left/right emancipated), o. ~ + 65. ; The left/right hip board, O. ~ + 75. ; Thigh board, o. A + 35. ; Crus board, a 55 o ~ + 35. ; Solution will cover and O. A + 90. 2 Robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed of the control system in order to facilitate nursing bed of intelligent control, timely r solution of the current working state nursing bed nursing bed, upon the law to set necessary processes the number of sensors "?. By analyzing the data, sensor transmission control system can real-time understand, control panel of motion, bed of different agencies to prevent the mutual interference or ask to overshoot driven motor bed body, unnecessary casualties caused damage. Control system overall structure as figure2shows. In bed in the control mode pose posture, besides using popular keyboard buttons input methods outside, in order to facilitate the weak and sick, but also increased the speech input mode + operators through the voice commands to manipulate nursing bed. Due to the common types of control chip difficult to complete the voice commands, because the recognition of the nursing bed the control system is divided into two major modules.

The first part primarily control module, it consists of a single-chip microcomputer control system structure, used to implement the nursing bed system, including the main control keyboard/voice control commands to accept the position signal and sensor input, and the output motor control signal etc, the second part as auxiliary control module, mainly for voice recognition and playback, it will come from the operator's voice control command into electrical signals, then through code conversion, transported to the master control module, and accept the electrical signals to independent control module, will these control instruction convert audio signals of operator can understand. 2.1 robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed master control module master control module at runtime receive signals from the keyboard/speech recognition circuit analysis and processing signal, through, will control signal through external interface conveying to speech playback circuit, signal by voice playback circuit will be transformed into voice signal, provide voice feedback signal, make handlers understand nursing bed real-time dynamic; On the other hand, master control module according to various signal command, control different motor running, so as to realize the lot that users period nursing bed functions? . Master control module mainly include the following each subroutine:

(1) keyboard input. The keyboard is nursing bed input control commands by one of the ways the keyboard input, by encoding commands sent to the primary panel by serial. (2) dc motor of the motor control. Nursing bed in accepting the keyboard or speech input signal after, started for the corresponding action to achieve nursing bed. This requires the expected function for installation in the main control panel can the nursing bed eight dc motor both the positive and negative direction of motor control. (3) sensor signal input. Position sensor motor sports location information feedback to control system, control system according to the feedback is returned to the current signal judgment motor sports location and condition, and then calling the corresponding procedure motion control 2.1.1 keyboard control circuit keyboard on the control board for user operation except r equipped with the keys outside, still configuration display the nursing bed the working state of indicator. Considering the keyboard and the communication and the main panel control cPu L / 0 mouths limited resources, so by a separate microcontroller keyboard to treat various task. Because the keyboard (2 x 6) and indicator light (8) required many I / 0 mouths resources, and chooses 89c2051 microcontroller only 15 L / 0 mouths, L/o u resources are limited, therefore in the SCM L / 0 mouths resource allocation, the single-chip computer keyboard panel serial communication between the main control board; Meanwhile, considering control cable is a certain length to increase the reliability of communication, communication, adopt the 232 level, so the hardware circuit MAx232 chips for added a convert. 2.1.2 dc motor level control of the nursing function is nursing bed by dc motor to execute, motor drive nursing bed to complete the various movements, in order to achieve various nursing pose, include: (1) the backplane elevate/drop; (2) left/right turn physique increase/decrease; (3) thigh board increase/decrease; (4) crus board increase/decrease; (5) flat open/close; bedpan (6) lie low postures realize/reset; (7) sitting postures realize/reset; (8) SLR postures realize/reset; (9) bended leg postures realize/reset. Above all appearance conversion between and finish all through eight dc motor FanZhuanLai to realize, so is the main control board must be able to receive commands to eight dc motor after on E reversal, namely can realize motor control negative in nursing bed to electrify control the hardware circuit design, for each motor has adopted two blades double throws on power control. The relay to 2.2 robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed auxiliary control module 2.2.1 speech recognition voice control technology is one of the existing control mode of advanced control mode, it is natural and convenient control mode, good affinity, the characteristics of applicability. Will voice control technology is introduced into the nursing bed under control, will greatly convenient users, particularly in those loss or partly losing activity, ability of self-dependence of patients, voice control and can help them enhance self-confidence, reduce dependence on others, add life courage and confidence in nursing bed users. The characteristics of the speech input commands, used in the study of the beauty of sENsORY company RSc364 little voice chip as recognition core chip. By training and realize Rsc364 chip speech recognition function, system L/o level is TrL level, which can be conveniently and other system for data transmission. Rsc364 chip inside integrated A speech recognition needs A variety of functions, it can complete speech recognition process of anti aliasing low-pass filter, sampling/keep, A/D conversion and voice recording Rsc364 chip in complete functions such as speech recognition task, will voice control signal output to SCM by chip Po and mouth. According to the PSc364 P1, the output state in the Lord with voice recognition chips control by A 74Lsl48 j Duan between expanding in tablet 74Lsl48 fracture, voice command input eight feet of the chip, connect Pl input mouth; Rsc364 Expansion of single chip [J Gs meet in P3.2; SCM fracture P1.3 P1. O ~ mouth and speech recognition chips J J 4 ~ Po Po seven connections. When a voice command input, a mouth wipes the P1 output low level, Gs u lose "I low-level startup microcontroller external interruption of single chip, the interrupt handlers from P1.0 ~ P1.3 mouth when read people data. Laws 2.2.2 voice playback master control circuit, after receiving orders in control motor running, but also to voice playback son module lose J J voice control signal by auxiliary control module. To the current users provide voice feedback. Speech with the main function modules put the son is: nursing bed receive user commands, in nursing bed function action before the speech information broadcast corresponding action, remind users do physical preparation, this kind of humanized design further improved nursing bed by the affinity of IsD4003_08 chip. Speech playback as the principal chip. IsI) 4003 series work pressure is 3 V, tuen mun recording a single chip 8min" for 4 - time?. Chip adopt cMOs technology, containing oscillator, prevent confusion filter,

Smoothing filter, audio amplifiers, since the action pixels and high-density multilevel flashing storage arrays, operation orders at through serial communication interface input. 3 robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed nursing bed robotic nanomanipulation control program control mode is a simplified robot control system startup way. After the first test nursing bed, then test each pose, switch state of each key-press test again, if one of the keys pressed nursing bed, then makes the corresponding action and start speech playback program told the operator, through the control speech recognition is like that, if speech recognition module identification, operator a directive, likewise, nursing bed complete corresponding action. 4 closing the robot multiaxial coordinated control technique is applied in nursing bed, may to the robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed. The developed under effective control of the robotic nanomanipulation nursing bed as shown in figure 4 shows, it can achieve more bits of adjustment, and USES the posture voice commands and keyboard input two modes for control, easy and flexible. Moreover, the master control module USES a microcontroller, making the system operation r. flexible reliable, low cost. Currently developed nursing bed has in some hospitals trial, reflect good. Future research will set wipes on how to further improve the flexibility, coordination and system function of human development system, etc.

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