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关键词  离心脉冲静电除尘器;除尘机理;脉冲供电;流场测试;五孔球形探针

Experimented Study of the Flow Field Distribution inside CIESP


In this paper, many literatures on electrostatic precipitation and cyclone technology were consulted in an all-round way, and the flow field distribution inside a straight-tube cyclone impulse electrostatic precipitator (CIESP) was measured on condition of impulse voltage. Finally, the law of the three-dimension flow field distribution and the effects of entry velocity and impulse voltage were found under different conditions. To further study the law of the whole flow field distribution and dust removal mechanism of CIESP and optimize parameters of the structure, some suggestions were also put forward here. Conclusions based on the tested results can be summarized as follows:

<1> A CIESP is equivalent to an ordinary cyclone with a central discharge wire in the tube body at 0 Kv voltage. The tangential velocity and radial velocity inside air flow are reduced after increasing on the whole in the direction along the tube body wall, and the distribution of the axial velocity is in complete confusion. Besides, a small part of radial current along the tube body wall is found on the centre of the whirlpool as an increase in entry velocity .

<2> On condition of impulse voltage 45 Kv,  an increase in entry velocity is found to boost the tangential velocity, and the whole change of the axial velocity is more gentle and demonstrates certain regularity, and the distribution curve of the redial velocity is also found like to be horizontal line.

<3> Under the circumstances that the entry velocity is 8.5m/s, the higher impulse corona voltage is, the smaller the corresponding tangential velocity is, and the larger the axial velocity is, but the change of the radial velocity is not obvious. With the increase of the radius, the tangential velocity is reduced progressively and basically, and the axial velocity increases progressively after reducing first, but the distribution curve of radial velocity becomes more steady.

<4> Compared with ordinary cyclone, the law of the flow field distribution inside CIESP is improved to some extent, which benefits dust removal. This may be due to the effects made by corona wire and electric wind, which reduce the turbulance degree of the flow field inside CIESP. But investigations must be further carried through all kinds of experiments to verify this hypothesis.

Keywords: cyclone impulse electrostatic precipitator;

dust removal mechanism;   impulse power supply;

flow field measurement;     five-hole probe


1 前言 5

1.1 研究背景 5

1.2 研究现状 6

1.2.1 静电旋风除尘器除尘机理及除尘性能的研究现状 6

1.2.2 静电旋风除尘器内部流场分布的研究现状 7

1.2.3 供电技术与流场测试技术简述 8

1.3 研究意义和目的 9

1.4 主要工作内容 9

2 实验设计 10

2.1 实验装置 10

2.1.1 供风装置 10

2.1.2 供电装置 10

2.1.3 测量仪器 11

2.2 实验方法 13

2.2.1 除尘器入口风速的测定方法 13

2.2.2 除尘器内部三维流场的测定方法 13

3 实验果与讨论 14

3.1 入口风速对流场的影响 14

3.1.1 无供电时入口风速对三维流场的影响 14

3.1.2 脉冲供电时入口风速对三维流场的影响 16

3.2 脉冲电晕电压对流场的影响 17

3.3 对比分析 19

3.4 实验误差来源分析 19

3.5 结论与建议 20


参考文献 22

 1 23

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