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 The customer is the enterprise survival guarantee , customer informationresources management is particularly important . With the development of productivity ,the enterprise's attention is turning to customer information resources , fully excavate ,sorting , analysis , development and use of customer information resources become theenterprise to build the core competitiveness of the key . The implementation ofcustomer information resource management's role is to by a stable and mutually beneficialrelationship with our customers to maintain and obtain more customers . The correctapplication brings to the enterprise's benefit is obvious , can let the enterprise get betterthe more bigger development . CRM system is the integration of advanced computertechnology and network technology to realize the concept of customer relationshipmanagement ( CRM ).
CRM for the enterprise to build a set of take the customer as the center of the customer, marketing, sales, service and support information database, and help enterprises to understand the management channel, establish and optimize the front-end business processes, including marketing, sales, products, services and support, call center, etc.The system can carries on the deep analysis and mining, so as to find the most valuable customers and new market and potential customers, create business opportunities.The characteristics of the system is scalable, can be connected can be seamlessly integrated with enterprise SCM, ERP system, realizes the real-time data exchange, the enhancement enterprise and the relationship between suppliers, partners, customers, to speed up the customer service and support response speed, the enhancement enterprise in the competitive advantage of e-commerce era.
CRM customer information resource management system's goal is to reduce sales cycle and cost of sales, increase their income, seeking to expand business for new markets and channels, and improve customer value, satisfaction, profitability and loyalty.This system integrates the soft phone, can be manually position selling products, service customers.The system adopts B/S structure, can be anywhere at any time through a browser login system for business operation.
Key words: JAVAweb developmentCRM system
1系统概述 3
1.1选题背景 3
1.2需求分析 3
1.3可行性分析 4
1.4系统功能分析和开发环境介绍 5
1.4.1系统功能分析 5
1.4.2开发环境介绍 6
2系统开发涉及的相关理论知识介绍 8
2.1 JAVA语言 8
2.2 Jsp基础原理 9
2.2.1 Jsp的基本语法 9
2.2.2 Jsp语言特点 10
2.2.3 Jsp内置的对象 10
2.3 Oracle11g基础理论知识 11
3系统概要设计 12
3.1系统设计思想 12
3.2总体框架结构 12
3.3系统功能模块划分与系统流程分析 12
3.3.1功能模块划分 12
3.3.2各功能模块 13
3.3.3系统流程分析 14
3.4数据库设计 15
3.4.1数据库需求分析 15
3.4.2数据库概念结构设计(E-R图设计)  17
3.4.3数据库物理结构设计 18数据字典 18数据库生成 21
4系统详细设计 27
4.1界面的设计与开发 27
4.1.1界面设计 27系统登录界面设计 27登录后主界面设计 27产品配置界面设计 28活动配置界面设计 29我的商机界面设计 29客户服务记录界面设计 30
4.2登录程序设计 30
4.3添加用户及添加角色程序设计 41
4.4产品配置程序设计 44
4.5活动配置程序设计 45
4.6我的商机程序设计 47
4.7客户服务记录查询程序设计 71
4.8运行环境 79
 4.8.1硬件环境 79
 4.8.2软件环境 79
4.9系统测试 80
4.9.1测试项目 80
4.9.2结果分析 80
4.10系统使用 81
总结 82
致谢 83
参考文献 84
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