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在这之后介绍了使用Java 开发语言在android平台开发移动app,并且使用nidejs 语言是在MVC分层的restful 风格服务器接口,在架构里边主要讨论了系统分层设计原则,软件敏捷开发原则,自动化测试技术等。最后对app系统进行了测试和发布。
在这次毕业设计的任务中,运用到了AndroidStudio 开发工具,使用rxjava,okhttp 等android开发框架,使用node mongo 编写移动服务,逐步架构整个移动app系统。最终把服务器接口发布至互联网,并将移动端android app上传至应用宝等主流应用商店。
   Based on the current development of network information technology, information exchange range more widely. This paper introduces the industry described under the background of the mobile Internet, this system is suitable for analysis of several environmental platform to discuss the architecture of mobile Internet reading system, its principle to do a thorough analysis.
After this introduction streaming media using the Java programming language in android platform mobile app, and the use of language in the MVC nidejs layered restful style server interface inside the compression technology MPEG technology and discusses the REAL technology, also discussed synchronization and streaming media technology to solve critical problems. Finally, the future development trend of streaming media analyzed.
In this graduate design task, we use the AndroidStudio development tools, use rxjava, okhttp and other android development framework, using the node mongo write mobile service, and gradually the whole structure of the mobile app system. The final release server interface to the Internet and mobile end android app uploaded to the application treasure and other mainstream application store.
Keywords: AndroidMobile readingnodemongoresetful
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