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附录A 英文文献及译文
Political blog readers: Predictors of motivations for accessing political blogs
Daekyung Kim;Thomas J. Johnson
This study examines the motivations for why politically interested Internet users in the United States access political blogs and attempts to discover which factors predict motivations for using political blogs. Political surveillance/guidance motives appeared as the strongest motivation for using political blogs, followed by expression/affiliation, convenience/information seeking, and entertainment. Hierarchical regression analysis reveals that blog users with higher levels of political involvement and strength of party affiliation are attracted to political blogs to freely express their political opinion and communicate with other like-minded people, which may indicate the potential of Weblogs as an interactive political discursive space. Based on the findings, this study presents implications and suggestions for future research.
Given the growing use and popularity of Weblogs as a new form of news and information on the Internet over the last decade, many scholars have conducted studies to gain an in-depth understanding of motivations for accessing blogs, credibility of blog content , and the role of blogs as an alternative source of information during the second Iraq war. In particular, blogs have become an important source of political news and information in the United States through the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections.
Accordingly, with special attention to why American people try to access political blogs this study examines what motivates people to rely on and read political blogs. This study employs the uses and gratification framework to examine motivations for why politically interested Internet users access political blogs. Furthermore, this study explores if demographics,political attitudes, Internet use, and blog reliance predict motivations for accessing political blogs.
2.Uses and gratifications theory and the Internet
In examining the media effect, uses and gratification research tends to focus more on examining how people use the media rather than what the media do to people. Thus, uses and gratifications research is based on the notion that audience members are active and goal-oriented with an ability to evaluate different types of functions media may serve, and users are considered to actively seek out media messages to satisfy their social and psychological wants and needs. However, some criticized the uses and gratification approach because it was too individualistic in examining effects of media use. White also contended that because of too much focus on individual needs and motivations the uses and gratification research has failed to deal with the media use process within the social structure.
During the past several decades, many researchers have developed typologies of how people use media content to gratify social and psychological needs. In particular, past studies have found that the four primary dimensions of news media gratifications are surveillance, personal identity, personal relationships/social utility, and diversion gratifications.Rubin also found the two different patterns in media consumption: ritualized use and instrumental use. The former means that people often use media content more habitually for diversion, while the latter is more active and purposive because people intentionally seek out media content to gratify certain needs.
With such a user-centered perspective, Ruggiero contended that uses and gratifications research can serve as "a cutting-edge theoretical approach" to gain a better understanding of possible influences of the newly emerging communication media because the real effects of the new media come from why and how people use them for specific purposes.As a result, many studies have employed the uses and gratifications approach to examining how and why people are using the Internet and its interactive applications such as e-mail, bulletin boards, and chat rooms.
Studies have found that the Internet in general serves gratifications similar to traditional media such as entertainment,escape and social interaction needs. By contrast, others argue that the Web differs from traditional mass media because of its interactive nature, which allows and requires audiences to be more active and purposive in seeking out media content.
In order to gain a better understanding of the unique motivations for accessing the Internet, it is important to understand the implications of the interactive nature of Internet technology. The Internet not only allows for one-way interactions, but also two-way or multiple way interactions, enabling users to actively participate in the process of information creation, distribution, and consumption in an online environment. The interactive nature of Internet technology can generate different levels of user activity, which is vital in a uses and gratification context. Thus, the interactive components of Internet technology may serve different needs and create new dimensions of gratifications.
3.Uses and motivations for using Weblogs
Weblogs gained great popularity during the following days after September 11, 2001 and emerged as an important and alternative source of news and information among Internet users during the second Iraq war.Early blogs were link-driven sites with some commentary and personal notes. But the unique characteristic of blogs is that with little technical expertise people can express their opinions and communicate with others, blurring the traditional boundary between consumers and producers of information.
More important, blogs became "a new force in national politics" as a channel for production, dissemination, and consumption of political information during the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections in the US. Indeed, many of online political users obtained campaign news from alternative news sources including political issue-oriented Web sites and blogs. Eveland and Dylko discovered that blog readers were more likely to use alternative forms of political communication, such as e-mail and discussion forums, than non-readers, and that blog reading was significantly associated with political participation.
While bloggers and blog readers have little faith and show a growing distrust in traditional news media, blogs have been judged by Internet politically interested users at least as credible as traditional media or even more credible than traditional media sources. Johnson and Kay also found that when asked why blog readers relied on blogs for information, they reported that blogs could serve as alternative sources of news not filtered by the traditional media.
Despite the personal nature of blogs as a private online diary,Lasica argued that blogs are creating a new form of journalism because ordinary people can publish their own thoughts and stories about a diversity of social issues in the blogosphere. Gillmor also noticed that open source network of blogs makes it possible for ordinary people to deliver their expertise in certain areas more in-depth than professionals.
As for the possible effects of blogs on politics, the blogosphere has been touted as "a democratic and interactive space" in which ordinary citizens freely express their voices and communicate with others . Given the growing attention to the political impact of blogs, one of the important topics is to understand how blogs help citizens engage in political conversations.
Some researchers have employed the uses and gratifications theory to find out motivations for why people read blog content and participate in the blogosphere. Results of past uses and gratifications studies indicate that the different content and transmission mode of the media can create different level of audience activity, also influencing the way to gratify people' needs from the media. While audiences of traditional media such as television, newspapers, and radios tend to be passive users, the Internet requires greater levels of user attention and activity.
3.1 Political attitudes and blogs
Research has found that bloggers and blog readers harbor a high level of distrust of government and the traditional media,but they also had a higher level of political self-efficacy, an ability to bring about political and social change. Political blogs are the second most common type on the blogosphere,and blog readers tend to be political junkies with an increased level of political involvement since first accessing blogs.
Because the content of blogs often mirrors the ideological leaning of the owners, the blogroll, a list of blog links recommended by the blogger, tends to follow ideological leanings and attract people who hold the same political views examined political blogs in the 2004 presidential campaign and found that 91% of blogroll links remained within partisan communities. Also, Welsch found that there was no overlap between right-leaning and left-leaning political bloggers’ link citations. Meraz content-analyzed the Howard Dean political blog and found that the candidate blog was primarily used as a place for supporters to self-organize and endorse the candidate, thereby encouraging more partisan dialogue rather than democratic dialogue. Those findings demonstrate that there is a partisan segmentation in the blogosphere. Accordingly, Sunstein was concerned about the polarized blogosphere in which liberals are linked with liberals and conservatives with conservatives, thereby obtaining one-side views of political issues.
3.2 Demographics and blogs
According to surveys, blog readers seem very similar to the early adopters of the Internet: White, young, well-educated,affluent, and male. Studies found little connection between demographics and blog variables. For example, Johnson and Kaye found that no demographic variable predicted blog credibility. Eveland and Dylko found that only education was associated with blog use.

金泰奎 托马斯·J·约翰逊
3.1 政治态度与博客
3.2 人口统计学与博客
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