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文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  
    Image adaptive enhancement under complex lighting conditions requires an important part of image processing. Image adaptive enhancement method under traditional complex illumination conditions plays an important role in improving image quality. With the deepening and development of image technology research, the image adaptive enhancement method is emerging under the new complex illumination condition. Under the traditional complex illumination conditions, the image adaptive enhancement method can be divided into two parts: image adaptive enhancement method and image adaptive adaptive enhancement method under complex light conditions under complex lighting conditions. The spatial domain refers to the set of pixels that make up the image, and the image adaptive enhancement under the condition of the complex space of the airspace directly prepares the gray value of the pixel in the image, such as gray scale transformation, histogram equalization, image space smoothing and sharpening, Bit color processing.
    Wavelet multiresolution analysis Because of its ability to extract signal features from multiple scales, it is often possible to distinguish noise and signals at different scales, so it has a great advantage in image denoising and enhancement. Based on the gradient enhancement method proposed in this paper, the enhancement effect of the gray scale and the gray scale contrast of the enhanced image is obtained. The image enhancement method can achieve better enhancement effect under the corresponding complex illumination conditions for different characteristics of the image. The experimental results show that the improved method proposed in this paper has a better effect on some images than traditional enhancement methods.
Key words: image processing; histogram; image enhancement under complex lighting conditions; histogram equalization; wavelet transform

1     1
1.1  课题的背景及意义 1
1.1.1  课题的背景 1
1.1.2  研究意义 2
1.2  国内外研究现状与分析 3
1.3  本文研究的主要内容 4
2  复杂光照条件下图像自适应增强算法的原理及实现 6
2.1  直方图修正 6
2.1.1  直方图均衡化 6
2.1.2  直方图规定化 7
2.2  锐化 8
2.2.1  梯度锐化法 9
2.2.2  拉普拉斯锐化 11
2.3  去噪 12
2.3.1  邻域平均法 12
2.3.2  中值滤波法 14
2.4  灰度变换 15
2.4.1  比例线性变换 15
2.4.2  分段线性变换 17
2.4.3  非线性灰度变换 18
3  复杂光照条件下图像自适应增强算法的原理及实现 20
3.1  低通滤波器 20
3.2  高通滤波器 21
3.3  同态滤波器 22
4  彩色复杂光照条件下图像自适应增强算法的原理及实现 24
4.1  假彩色增强 24
4.2  伪彩色增强 24
4.2.1  密度分割法 24
4.2.2  灰度变换法 26
4.3  真彩色增强 26
5  和频域相结合的复杂光照条件下图像自适应增强算法的研究 29
5.1  低频滤波和拉普拉斯变换、直方图均衡化相结合算法 29
5.1.1  低通滤波 29
5.1.2  拉普拉斯锐化 31
5.1.3  直方图均衡化 31
5.1.4  具体算法及其实现 32
5.2  高通滤波和直方图均衡化相结合算法 33
5.2.1  高频滤波 34
5.2.2  具体算法及其实现 34
参考文献 37
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