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In this paper, we first propose a simplification algorithm for massive meshes based on cutting the mesh into pieces by partition the vertices instead of the triangles. The trianlge boundaries generated by the vertex-seperating approach need not be preserved during the simplification of each piece. The edge collapse operator we use can keep the topology change of each mesh piece independent from the others automatically, which makes it possible for the bounadaries to be simplified. Such an algorithm needs only one simplification process over the whole mesh without further processing. When stitching the pieces, we only keep the boundary vertices in memory without caching the whole simplified mesh, so our algorithm can generate large simplfied meshes which cannot be loaded into the main memory.
Second, we propose an on-the-fly simplification algorithm for massive isosurfaces which the main memory is not able to hold if fully generated. We use the edge collapse operator and keep the generation boundary unchanged. The boundary marches through the whole mesh as isosurfaces generated. We reconstruct the topology of the original Marching Cubes surfaces for in-core simplification algorithm. To determine when the primitives in the mesh can be modified, we classify the vertices generated by Marching Cubes algorithm and finalize them based on different rules. When a vertex is finalized, it leaves the generation boundary and becomes collapsable. We keep an collapsalbe edge priority queue all along the simplification process and try to make more operators to compare. Thus, simplification quality can be enhanced.
Finally, we propose an adaptive isosurface generation algorithm based on simplicial complex partition of the volume data octree, which is parallel on GPU. This approach can generate manifold and intersection-free isosurfaces without any crack. Our main contribution is that we provide a group of parallel algorithms for building the octrees and traversing the minimal edges on GPU. We build the octree from top to the bottom and calculate the dual vertices, error incurred from expanding the nodes and configuration of child nodes in parallel for each layer. We use a parallel scan to calculate the offset of child nodes and keep a starting offset as well as a count of child nodes for each parent node as pointers to its children. In our octree data structures, all nodes are stored layer by layer in the GPU memory. In each layer, nodes with identical parent are stored continuously. When traversing the minimal edges, we caculate the splitting number of each edge corresponding to a layer and use a parellel array partition to separate the minimal edges and splittable edges. We also add the new edges incurred from expanding the nodes to the need-to-split edge array for the next layer. We form tetrahedron for each minimal edge and generate isosurfaces from the tertrahedron.
Key Words: Massive Mesh; Mesh Cutting; Streaming Processing; Simplicial Partition; Parallel Octree


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