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词: 医院系统的实现,SQL数据库系统,JSP


The main research of this topic is the use of Java language, MySQL database. The system functions mainly include two, front user operation and background management. The specific description of each function is as follows:
1. Expert inquiries: Through this feature can be previewed to each expert's profile and their respective departments, so as to facilitate the patient to understand the experts to facilitate specific reservations. Patients can choose from the home page preview interface, after opening the hospital will have all the department information, point to open a single department will appear in the department of various expert information.
2. User registration and information modification: the user can register on the system, and independently modify the basic personal rest, such as: name, gender, date of birth, ID number, E-mail address, telephone number. Patients from the home page can choose to log or register, select the registration, enter the registration interface need to set their own user name password, each patient registration ID number and mobile phone number must be entered, or can not complete the registration. When the patient wants to make an appointment registration must first register to log their account, or can not make appointments.
3. Message: Provide interactive message platform for users to communicate and interact. After the patient login account can choose from the home page message consultation, enter can leave your question, the patient can choose the platform reply or SMS reply.
4. System background management: the system administrator through the background of the main department management expert information release delete management, bulletin reply management, user information management, expert search number release update record management.
Appointment experts and registration: After the user logs in to the system, the patient can be viewed for the last 5 working days, and the remaining number of the experts in each section of the day, when the patient subscribes to an expert's search number, so that the expert can book the number Reduced. Single ID number the same day can only make an appointment with the same department with the experts, different departments can make up to 5 search number, to prevent the cattle reselling hospital search number. After the patient can log in to enter the appointment registration by the face, after the opening of a similar expert consultation page of the various departments, the difference is to enter the department by the face after each expert is nearly 5 working days of the visiting time, the patient can choose specific One morning or afternoon and then click on the appointment.
Keywords: hospital system implementation, SQL database system, JSP

1 绪论....................................................4
1.1 研究背景与意义......................................4
1.2 研究动机与目的......................................4
1.3 数据库系统简介......................................4
1.4 ASP.NE简述................. ........................5
2 可行性研究与应用需求分析................................5
2.1 可行性研究..........................................5
2.2 需求分析............................................6
3 系统分析................................................7
3.1 工作流程图..........................................7
3.2 系统功能图..........................................8
3.3 系统简介............................................8
4 数据库设计..............................................9
4.1 E-R ..............................................9
4.2 主要数据库表设计...................................10
5.2  医生资料操作模块..................................23
5.3  预约管理模块......................................24
5.4  用户管理界面管理..................................31
5.5  病人管理模块......................................33
5.6  病人登录模块的实现................................33
5.7  病人预约模块......................................35
5.8  查询模块..........................................38
6 系统测试...............................................43
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