内摆线RV减速器于1922年由德国学者卢布林卡提出。由于这种传动具有结构紧凑、单级传动比大、工作平稳、噪音甚低、承载能力和效率高等一系列有点。在许多情况下, 它可以代替二级、三级普通齿轮减速器和蜗轮蜗杆减速器。因此广泛用于机械制造、石油化工、起重运输、地质钻探等各个部门。
利用Pro/e软件对内摆线减速器主要零件建立几何三维模型、利用Auto CAD软件生成内摆线减速器的工程图。用本文的方法设计内摆线减速器,具有设计快捷、方便等特点。研究结果对于提高设计的速度、质量具都有重要意义。
关键词:内摆线 V减速器 传动
The cycloid RV reducer was introduced by German scholar Lublinka in 1922. As a result of this transmission has a compact structure, single-stage transmission ratio, work smoothly, low noise, load capacity and high efficiency of a series of a bit. In many cases, it can replace two, three ordinary gear reducer and worm gear reducer. So widely used in machinery manufacturing, petrochemical, lifting transport, geological drilling and other departments.
The design of the design for the ease of manufacturing, assembly and maintenance, designed a reasonable structure of the cycloidal planetary reducer. And the strength of the main parts of the calculation and check and the arm bearing, the bearing life of the bearing to calculate from the analysis results can be seen, the bearing performance indicators are in line with the requirements.
The geometrical three - dimensional model of the main parts of the cycloidal reducer was established by Pro / e software, and the engineering drawings of the cycloidal reducer were generated by Auto CAD software. With the method of this design, the cycloidal reducer is designed with quick and convenient design. The results of the study to improve the design speed, quality is of great significance.
Key words: internal cycloidal V reducer drive
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