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软件方面根据直流伺服电动机的组成、脉宽调制和工作原理,结合80C196MC的硬件部分和软件编程的特点,设计了无刷直流调速系统的软件。系统软件分为主程序和中断程序两大主块,主程序完成系统的初始化, LED显示器扫描和键盘功能处理程序等部分。

The designations of the BLDCM velocity modulation system based on the 80C196MC single chip microcomputer
 This article mainly discusses the designations of three-phase BLDCM velocity modulation system. The master controlled unit is BLDCM special-purpose control chip 80C196MC, assistances with the keyboard, the monitor, examines the electric circuit, the power electric circuit, actuates the electric circuit, the protection circuit and so on. The BLDCM with 3 Hall sensors establishing inside, to exam the position of the rotor and decide the phase change of electrical machinery, the system calculates the rotational speed of the electrical machinery to realize the velocity-feedback control according to the Hall signal.
The rotational speed of the system is offered by the keyboard entry, and the real-time rotational speed can be display; The power chip selects higher performance-to-price ratio and faster MOSFET; The power actuation selects the integrated chip IR2130 with protection circuit and over-electric current output , which can realize the electrical machinery’s high-frequency  and quick-starting; The system also has established the electric current sampling electric circuit, with the velocity feedback electric circuit constituting the doubling closed-loop system, which can realize the electrical machinery quick- starting and obtain the good load performance, has met the requirements of the design project.
Software is painted as a direct motor of the modulation, a wide and principle, the hardware and software 80c196mc programming, design the system of the dc machinery velocity modulation. in software system software application programs, and the two great and complete system of the main program initialization, led display the functions of the processing procedures with the keyboard.
Keywords: Brushless DC Motor; 6bit Single-chip Microcomputer; Position sensors; Closed-loop system; MOSFET;  Power actuation.

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