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Hu Runqing
Journal of Beijing university
Bei Jing 855000
摘  要:在能源日益紧张的今天,电热水器,饮水机和电饭煲之类的家用电器在保温时,由于其简单的温控系统,利用温敏电阻来实现温控,因而会造成很大的能源浪费。但是利用AT89C52单片机为核心,配合温度传感器,信号处理电路,显示电路,输出控制电路,故障报警电路等组成的控制系统却能解决这个问题。单片机可将温度传感器检测到的水温模拟量转换成数字量,并显示于LED数码管上。该系统具有灵活性强,易于操作,可靠性高等优点,将会有更广阔的开发前景。
1  在中国快速发展的太阳能热水器
1.1  发展阶段
中国的太阳能光热应用从20世纪70年代开始发展。在20世纪80年代后期,引进加拿大生产铜 - 铝复合材料的吸收体为平板TION线集电极和自行设计的生产线的发展阳极氧化选择性涂层,中国开始制造平板太阳能热水器。但由于成本和兼容性的问题,进展缓慢,如在冬季。重大突破是在20世纪90年代中得来的技术和生产全玻璃真空管,使中国自行设计的发展真空管生产线,并开始批量生产全玻璃真空管太阳能热水器。所有这些成就在科学和研究方面投入生产贡献的生产力的不断提高,太阳能集热器和全玻璃真空集热管和热水器热管和成本的减少。它提供了巨大的动力,使中国太阳能热利用产业的产业化。随着经济的发展,城市的需求,中国农村居民的生活和洗浴大幅增加。与电热水器和燃气热水器热水器,太阳能热水器成为供应热水供国内使用的主要产品之一。
1.2  稳定快速的增长市场
figure 1
2  温度检测电路设计
3  模拟/数字转换电路
4  LED显示电路
5  系统的工作原理
6  中国太阳能热水器行业中的经验和特点
6.1  没有激励政策已经形成商业运转
6.2  真空集热管热虹吸系统
7  结论

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Solar energy water heater intelligent control system design
Hu Runqing
Journal of Beijing university
Bei Jing 855000
Abstract: in today's increasingly tense energy, electric water heater, water dispenser, rice cooker and the like household electrical appliances in the heat preservation, due to its simple temperature control system, two-line hybrids resistance to achieve temperature control, thus could do a lot of energy waste.But using AT89C52 single chip microcomputer as the core, with temperature sensor, signal processing circuit, display circuit, the output control circuit, the control system composed of fault alarm circuit and so on can solve this problem.Single-chip temperature sensor can be detected by analog conversion to digital quantity, water temperature and displayed on the LED digital tube.The system has strong flexibility, easy operation, high reliability, etc.There more broad prospects for developmt.
Keywords:policy/A/D conversion/DS18B20
1  Rapid development of solar water heater in China
1.1  Stages of development
The 1970s saw the beginning of solar thermal application in China. In late 1980s, with the introduction of Canadian produc-tion line of copperaluminum composite absorber for flat platecollector and the development of production line of self-designedanodic oxidation selective coating, China began to manufactureflat plate solar water heater. But the progress was slow due to theproblems like cost and compatibility in winter. Major break-throughs made in the 1990s in the technology and production of all-glass vacuum tubes enabled China to develop self-designed production line of vacuum tubes and start mass production of solar water heater with all-glass vacuum tube. All these achievements in science and research putting into production have contributed to the constant improvement of the productivity of solar collector and water heater with all-glass vacuum tube and heat-pipe and the reduction of cost. It gives great momentum to the industrialization of China’s solar thermal industry.With the development of economy, the demand of urban and rural residents in China for living and bathing has increased substantially. Together with electric water heater and gas water heater, solar water heater becomes one of the major products supplying hot water for domestic use.
figure 1
1.2  Stable and rapid growth of the market
Since the 1990s, the market of solar water heater in China has maintained a rapid growth in over ten years. The annual output of solar water heater increased from 6.1 million square meters in the year 2000 to 42 million square meters in 2009, with an annual growth rate of 24%. The accumulated installation of solar water heater increased from 26 million square meters in 2000 to 145 million square meters in 2009 with an annual growth rate of 21% Zhentao and Zhichen (2010). Especially since the Renewable Energy Law took effect, the application and extension of solar water heater has been greatly advanced thanks to the enforcement of national policies concerning the development of renewable energy, the construction of the new countryside and the local governments mandatory installation policy for solar water heater in new buildings. From 2006 to 2009, the average annual growth rate of the sales of solar water heater stood at 33% and the total inventory grow 17% annually on average, which marked that the application of solar water heater had reached new heights. Chart 1 represents the annual output of China’s solar water heater from 1998 to 2009 and its growth rate and Chart 1 represents the inventory of China’s solar water heater from 1998 to 2009 and its growth rate.
2  The temperature detection circuit design
Temperature detection part is the important link to realize intelligent temperature control, only accurately detect the temperature, can through the software to realize auxiliary heating. The stand or fall of its performance directly affects the performance of the system, the temperature detection, this design USES the temperature sensor
DSl8B20 digital thermometer with nine (binary) temperature readings, the temperature of the indicating device information through a single interface into DSl8B20 or from DSl8B20. Therefore only a line from the host CPU to DSl8B20 (and earth). DSl820 power can be provided by the cable itself without the need for external power supplies. Because every DSl8B20 has given the unique serial number in the factory, so any multiple DSl8B20 can be stored in the same single wire bus. This allows the temperature sensitive device is placed in many different places. DSl820 measurement range from 55 ℃ to + 125 ℃ increment value is 0.5, is available in ls (typical) the temperature transform into digital.
3  Analog/digital conversion circuit
A/D conversion is the sensor input analog conversion to digital quantity into single chip microcomputer. This design USES is ADC0832. Generally ADC0832 with single chip microcomputer interface should be four wires, CS, CLK, DO, DI. But as a result of the DO end with DI end when the communication is not effective and at the same time with single chip microcomputer interface is a two-way street, when circuit design so DO and DI may be connected in parallel on a cable to use. When ADC0832 did not work the CS input end shall be the high level, the chip disabled, CLK and DO/DI level can be arbitrary. When must carry on the A/D conversion, must first put CS side at low level and low level until the end of the transform. Chip began to work, at the same time provided by the processor to the chip clock input CLK clock pulse, the DO/DI end is using DI end data signal of input channel function selection. Ahead of the first clock pulse DI side must be a high level, said to start.
4  LED display circuit
In a single chip microcomputer system, commonly used display have leds show, fluorescent tube, digital tube display and liquid crystal display (LCD). In recent years, are also beginning to use simple CRT interface, showing some of the Chinese characters and graphics. Light emitting diode display is divided into fixed period and, according to a large field can be assembled and classification of common cathode and anode.
LED display block is made up of countless luminous digital tube display, digital tube every digital section is a light emitting diode, when light emitting diode conduction, corresponding to a point or a stroke, control combination of light-emitting diodes (leds, can show the required character, there are seven sections and fields. The display block has a total of two kinds of common cathode and anode. Common cathode LED display light-emitting diode cathode connected together, the public usually grounded cathode, anode for high electricity at ordinary times when a light-emitting diodes (oleds), leds light up, and the corresponding period is displayed. Similarly, a total of anode LED display light-emitting diode piece of anode together, usually the public positive voltage anode. When a light emitting diode cathode low electricity at ordinary times, leds light up, and the corresponding period is displayed. LED display has a static method and dynamic display mode.
5  working principle of the system
Using DS18B20 sensor of water tank temperature real-time monitoring, when the water temperature signal is detected, feedback to the microcontroller, and digital tube dynamic scanning mode shows the current temperature and the preset temperature. Way of electrode measured water level, when the electrode of water before each class, using water weak electrical conductivity, the voltage at about 3 v, after schmidt triggers into 0 v, with the voltage difference on both ends of the water level indicator lights; On the contrary, no contact with water at 0 v voltage, after schmidt triggers into 5 v, no voltage difference on both ends of the water level indicator, namely no current through, light is out. When there is a lack of state (when water level is lower than 20%), buzzer alarm, all the water level indicator light go out. Isolating circuit is used to to automatic heating and water system, specific conditions by a software program to control, so as to realize intelligent.
6.  Experiences and features of solar water heater in China
6.1  Commercialized operation has been realized with policies
Neither the market nor the manufacturers enjoy incentive fiscal and taxation policies for solar water heater in China. Compared with electric water heater and gas water heater, there is no preference for solar water heater. Only solar water heater companies classified as high-tech enterprises by local governments can enjoy preferential policies for high-tech enterprises. The demand of the market is the driving force behind the development of solar water heater market in China, so it is the demand of the residents for hot water in small and medium sized cities and rural area that has promoted the development of the market, but not the incentive policies of the country. Solar water heater meets the residents bathing needs with high performance-
price ratio. This is the motive power for its rapid development. Solar water heater becomes one of the major products supplying domestic hot water for people together with electric and gas water heater, and gradually becomes leading product because of
its high performance-price ratio. The initial investment of solar water heater is higher than that of electric water heater and gas H. Runqing et al. / Energy Policy 51 (2012) 46–51 49water heater, but the solar water heater does not consume fuel and its annual operation cost is low, so the average cost in its life cycle is only 1/3 of the other two types of water heater. Thanks to the sound performance-price ratio, the market share of solar water heater in China has increased constantly from 15.2% in 2000 to 57.2% in 2009 Zhentao and Zhichen (2010), indicating that solar water heater has become the mainstream product on the Chinese market. Chart 3 compares the economical efficiency of solar water heater with the other two types of water heater.
6.2  Vacuum tube-a thermal siphon system
The mainstream product in China is vacuum tube thermosiphon system compared with advanced indirect and pressurized product in the world, this type enjoys advantages like simple structure, low technical requirements and low production cost.
Also, through years of efforts, the production and market of this model has reached certain scale, the quality of the product is guaranteed with high economical efficiency and the product meets the demand of the current Chinese market very well.However, this product model suffers from disadvantages like low comfort and hygiene level, and the product must be installed on the roof integrally which not only influences the appearance of the building but also poses a problem for integration with the building. At present, the vacuum tube thermosiphon system is popular in small and medium sized cities and rural area, but it cannot meet the demand of high-end customers in urban areas for life and hot water of high quality. This also explains why the market of solar water heater in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai is relatively small. Also, this has contributed to the fact that products on China’s solar water heater market are small in product category and severely homogenized, which cannot cater to various needs of users, especially the needs of high-end customers. In the past few years, the research, development and production of separated, indirect and pressurized products has become the priority of major solar water heater enterprises and the output of theseproducts increases year by year.
7  Conclusion
Provides a foundation for the development of the solar water heater industry, if we want to grow an industry, its products, to meet the needs of users, win the market recognition. When conventional energy supply system is not perfect in China solar water heater provides an opportunity of development, and the solar water heater products from the beginning of living hot water can meet the demand of China's residents. At the same time, the industrialization of solar water heater, speeds up the cost reduction, and greatly promote the performance-to-price ratio, make the product won the broad market recognition and meet the demand of market. Products to meet the demand of the market, therefore, the rapid development of the solar water heater industry provides the basis.
China's mainstream products are simple structure, low cost. This is a very good water heater is just beginning to economic development, in order to satisfy people's needs. Many other developing countries and China are very similar.

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