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随着全球经济的迅猛发展,汽车早已用作代步。汽车中国制造市场不断的涌现,是我国汽车市场竞争所致的必然结果。多年来,在汽车行业国外品牌厂商一直占有绝对优势,而与此相反,国产汽车的占有率及普及率则相形见拙山东凯马汽车制造有限公司是全国大型工业企业之一,山东省机械工业百强企业,主导产品有“凯马”“聚宝”“奥峰”牌载货汽车,经国家发改委公告的产品品种目前已达400个。本文从四个方面对凯马汽车发展战略进行了研究。第一,阐述了整个凯马企业的发展直至现今在凯马汽车上的整个发展历程。其次,对凯马汽车行业发展所处的内外部环境进行分析。 第三,对凯马汽车的当前竞争情况及发展战略做了分析,分别从优势、劣势、机遇和威胁的角度进行研究。第四,是对改进凯马汽车今后发展的对策及建议。
With the rapid development of the global economy, the car has long been used as a means of transport. Chinese automobile manufacturing market continue to emerge, it is the inevitable result of China's auto market due to competition. Over the years, the automotive industry in China reign brands have an absolute advantage, but on the contrary, share and penetration of the domestic car dwarfs. Shandong KAMA Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is one of the large industrial enterprises, Shandong Machinery Industry hundred enterprises, the main products are "Kama" "Treasure," "Austrian Feng" brand truck, by the National Development and Rerm Commission bulletin variety of products currently It has reached 400. This article from ur aspects Kama vehicle development strategy has been studied. First, it sets rth the entire Kama business development until now the entire development process of the Kama automobile. Secondly, the Kama automobile industry in which the internal and external environment analysis. Third, the current competitive situation and development strategy Kama car to do the analysis, were studied from the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats angle. urth, it is an improvement Kama automobile development countermeasures and suggestions.
By writing this article, you can learn how a car is Kama development, how to develop their strengths to make up r its shortcomings, how to seize opportunities and avoid threats, how to better othold in the fierce competition in the mall.
Keywords: Kama automobile, customer experience, branding, business strategy
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