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关键词:PVDF便携式重力  便携式重力势能缓释发电照明装置  能量存储


   Since 1880 found in natural quartz piezoelectric effect, the people, have discovered a series of piezoelectric materials and artifacts. As some synthetic quartz, barium titanate, lithium niobate, wood, polymer, etc. Nearly half a century, in particular, the extremely rapid development of piezoelectric materials, an increasingly broad application. From daily life with piezoelectric electronic spark and piezoelectric ignition on gas stoves in the kitchen to a piezoelectric speaker, radio headphones, vibration measuring sensors in aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, using Piezoelectric materials. Comparison of the mechanical properties of piezoelectric materials brittle, if the machine is not of high quality, are easily broken in the Assembly or application. And near 20 or 30 years to in people found and manufacturing out of new pressure electric material in the, most striking of is is polymer pressure electric material, as poly II fluoride vinyl, and poly fluoride vinyl, and zirconium titanium acid lead, and PVC, and poly carbonate ester, and poly partial II fluoride vinyl, and nylon,, these material does not like quartz and the pressure electric ceramic material so crisp, in Assembly and application in the not broken. Particularly poly vinylidene fluoride which kind of piezoelectric material, very soft, and can be made very thin, and it has a large dynamic range, high insulation, high mechanical strength and impact resistance, resistance to radiation impedance of piezoelectric coefficient, low noise characteristics. So, are of special concern in recent years, more and more widely. Piezoelectric effects are divided into direct piezoelectric effect and the inverse piezoelectric effect, to study in this article is the use being made of the piezoelectric effect of poly vinylidene fluoride (PVDF) as piezoelectric thin-film piezoelectric generators, this piezoelectric power relative to other micro-power generation plant, has a simple structure, heat, electromagnetic interference-free and easy to realize the advantages of miniaturized, concern of researchers from more and more countries. This article through the electrical equivalent model of piezoelectric generators and analysis on pressure characteristics of electric power generation using Multisim software (including electric current output and points and output characteristics), energy efficiency, and increase power generation method for analysis. Power conditioning circuits, energy storage and media, regulated charging circuit for the related theoretical and simulation studies. The work are as follows:
  First, the equivalent model establishment and analysis of piezoelectric power generating electricity.
  Secondly, with the help of circuit simulation software for circuit analysis. Study the feasibility of piezoelectric vibrator different storage media, power, super large capacitance, charge on charging and discharging characteristics of high efficiency as primary storage. When accumulated to a certain amount of charge to charging by constant voltage charge circuit for rechargeable batteries, battery output energy stability.
  Finally, the last for energy efficiency and storage issues, compared the characteristics of rectifier circuit. Design three times voltage multiplying rectifier circuit to improve the efficiency of energy transfer. Regulated charging circuit was designed to achieve final storage and utilization of electric energy. And simulation use simulation software to the system as a whole. Results show that the whole circuit designed to charge the rechargeable battery, thus achieving vibrational energy to electric energy conversion and use.
Keywords: PVDF piezoelectric film, Piezoelectric generator, energy storage


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