目 录
序言 …………………………………………………………………………………………2
摘要和关键词 ………………………………………………………………………………3
一、四季之歌─雅阁居休闲公寓设计构思和设计定位 …………………………………4
二、雅阁居休闲公寓色彩搭配分析 ……………………………………………………5
三、雅阁居休闲公寓的空间组织和表达 ………………………………………………6
(一)空间规划分析 …………………………………………………………………7
(二)影响空间特征的元素 …………………………………………………………8
四、雅阁居休闲公寓设计案例和设计过程解析 …………………………………………9
(一)雅阁居休闲公寓设计自然装饰手法的体现 ………………………………………10
(二)雅阁居休闲公寓设计最终方案解析与展示 ………………………………………12
五、设计总结 ……………………………………………………………………………17
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………………18
致 谢 ……………………………………………………………………………………19
序 言
摘 要:本次设计的雅阁居休闲公寓,以源远流长的公寓文化和自然生态原则为依据,探索人、建筑、自然三者之间的关系。以自然与生活的交汇为主题,借鉴四季变化色彩的造景手法,运用四季色彩、特色家具、地面材质等装饰元素,巧妙安排声与光在环境中的烘托,整个空间动静结合,相映成趣。设计出一个自然生态、适合休闲生活的专业活动场所。人们置身其中,让自然与生活碰撞出美好休闲享受的种种可能。
The Seasons Song - Jacob and Their Leisure Apartment Design
Abstract: The design of hos flats for recreation and culture with a flat and the natural ecological principles based on, people, buildings, the relationship between the three. Nature and life in the interchange of subject, the seasons change of scenery, the use of color, flavor furniture, etc, the material element clever arrangements sound and light contrast in the environment, combined with the spatial movement side by side. Design a natural, professional tea for leisure venues. People place in them, so that the collision of nature and life, enjoy the wonderful leisure possibilities.
Keywords: Seasons Color, Apartment Design, Apartment the leisure life