摘 要:本次设计主题为“城市问题”生态环保公益招贴,内容为始终以萦绕保护环境,节能环保为主题,制作的一系列公益性招贴。本文浅析了平面公益招贴艺术在信息时代所传达的设计观念、风格及独特的艺术魅力,表述了它所体现的文化特点,阐明了公益招贴艺术具有鲜明的文化产业主题性,并以其系列化、本土化、符号化等形式表现出来,成为反映时代文化、先进文化的传媒代表。
关键词: 公益招贴,生态环保,“城市问题”
On the "City" public good poster design
Abstract: The design theme of "urban problems" eco-friendly public service posters, content is always to haunt the protection of the environment, energy saving and environmental protection as its theme, produced a series of public service poster. Analysis of a graphic public service poster art in the information age to convey the design concept, style and unique artistic charm, and stated that it embodies cultural characteristics, to clarify the public service poster art has a distinct theme of cultural industries, and its series , localization, and symbolic forms, and reflect the culture of the times, advanced culture media representatives.
We design a poster of a series of urban ecological environmental protection, and allows people to see some mixed feelings. Production process, use the pen tool, Boer operations, matting and other technology.
Keywords: public service posters, environmental protection, "urban problems"