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摘  要
    无线通信和Internet技术的迅速发展给人们的生活方式和生活质量带来了巨大的变化,越来越多的用户希望在移动过程中高速接入Internet,浏览新闻、收发电子邮件、欣赏多媒体影音、聊天、对战网络游戏,不受空间时间限制地享受生活的乐趣。无线局域网作为一种网络接入手段,以其频带免费、组网灵 活、易于迁移等优点,成为无线通信与Internet技术相结合的新兴发展方向 之一。


The rapid development of wireless communications and Internet technology to people's lifestyle and quality of life brought great changes, more and more users want in the process of moving, high-speed access to the Internet, browse news, e-mail, enjoy multimedia,Chat, an online game, enjoy life from space time limit. Wireless local area network as a means of network access, with its band free, flexible networking, and easy migration etc., to become the emerging development direction of one of the combination of wireless communications and Internet technology.
This paper focuses on the practical application, covering part of the area within the campus, effectively available wireless network environment for teaching and learning life; comprehensive wireless network support systems (including wireless network management, wireless security, wireless billing, etc.), in order to avoid wireless devices and confusion and lead to incompatibilities between the software or network management issues; guarantee the security of the network access; safety and certification; coverage requirements, including students learning outside the hostel, including a library, dining hall, playground and playground, as well as campus each cell; achieve user management, authentication, control functions; achieve wireless router via the campus network convergence layer devices access to the campus network, wireless access required emplaced in the convergence layer provides the interface to wireless network; wiring and installation of interior work to determine better the more open position, the cable go dark line laying in place the wireless router device comes with its own mounting accessories available to install; if you need shelter, you need to customize the non-metallic mounting box; if hanging from the ceiling, the ceiling, if the ceiling is a non-metallic structure, can be fixed in the ceiling.

Key Words: Campus wireless network,Planning and Design, wireless network Technology
目  录

摘  要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1国内外研究状况 1
1.2 校园无线网在教育中的应用 2
2 总体设计 4
2.1 学校建设无线网络的目标与需求 4
2.2 无线网络区域划分 4
2.3 整体拓扑设计 7
2.4 硬件设备选型原则与设备的选购 8
3 详细设计方案 11
3.1 整体拓扑图与安全解决方案 11
3.2 教学区WLAN覆盖解决方案 12
3.3 生活区WLAN覆盖解决方案 14
3.4 图书馆WLAN覆盖解决方案 16
3.5 频率规划与负载均衡解决方案 17
3.6 无线用户认证与网络管理解决方案 17
3.7 无线网络配置 19
3.8 工程施工解决方案 27
4 模拟实现 28
5 网络安全策略 33
总  结 36
参考文献 37
致  谢 38
附  录 39

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