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摘 要

    With 3G approaching footsteps, major operators optimize their network to increase the intensity at the same time, are faced with the problem of how to better follow-up 3G systems compatible. China Telecom, China Netcom, for example, starting from the minimum cost price, works most operational impact on the PHS network and the smallest angle to find a solution to the PHS in the 3G network construction solution for 3G interference. Government departments also pay close attention to and through industry standardization organizations, to study and formulate the best 3G decision-making programs and policies and regulations in line with national conditions.
    Interference has been an important issue in mobile communication systems. Many types of interference, such as spurious interference, blocking the dry ask, intermodulation interference. System coexistence of adjacent channel interference analysis method, roughly speaking, can be divided into two categories, the uncertainty analysis method. In this paper, the deterministic calculation method to study the worst case interference between the base station of the WCDMA system. Understand the basic principles of the WCDMA network systems, system development and system architecture; and interference analysis, classification and positioning; the last instance of the contrast of the interference between different systems are given a solution to avoid interference.

Key words: WCDMA system; with different interference; avoid interference

目  录
摘 要 1
目  录 3
引  言 3
第1章  WCDMA的网络 4
1.1 WCDMA系统的基本原理 4
1.2 WCDMA系统的发展 5
1.3 WCDMA关键技术 6
第2章  干扰分析 7
2.1 何为干扰 7
2.2 异常干扰分类 9
2.2.1加性噪声干扰 9
2.2.2交调干扰 10
2.2.3阻塞干扰 11
2.2.4邻道干扰 12
第3章  与异系统之间干扰是实例 13
3.1 TD和WCDMA 13
3.2 TD和CDMA 14
3.3 TD和GSM 14
3.4 TD和PHS 14
第4章  如何避免与之产生干扰 15
4.1外场干扰解决措施 15
4.2室内分布系统中干扰解决方案 16
4.2.1干扰源与被干扰系统直接合路的方式 17
4.2.2干扰源与被干扰系统加滤波器直接合路的方式 18
4.2.3干扰源与被干扰系统以收发分缆方式合路 19
结  论 20
参考文献 21
致  谢 22

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