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 摘    要



Fresh e-commerce refers to the enterprise by means of electronic commerce on the Internet sales fresh products, such as fruits and vegetables, seafood, meat products, etc. In 2012 called the fresh of the first year of electricity, the industry watches fresh electricity companies have earnings performance. Fresh although electricity is blue ocean market, foreign development pattern has been relatively mature, but in the populous country of China, the existing raw electrical business model still has many problems.
In this paper, by comparing the domestic and international mainstream fresh electrical business model, in order to best dish network as the research object, and concludes that lead to fresh electricity factors are: the slow development of logistics distribution problem, fresh product standardization, consumer habits and trust problems. According to the above problem, this paper puts forward to O2O model as the prototype, puts forward the online users and service electrical contractor is responsible for the development, integration of offline do partner community supermarkets, convenience stores, fresh food through regional sourcing supply, order fulfillment instruction in urban distribution, the overall implementation localization of small area fresh electrical business model. Finally, cold-chain logistics distribution with "high foam box + cold ice packs" standardized multiple insulation packaging, community peripheral market, supermarket to assist electric business platform to realize the last mile distribution solution.
Based on the proposed O2O model based on the theory of service, design and develop the service plan, finally through to the optimal food web data tracking, to test execution effect, to verify the correctness of the theory.
Key words: Fresh e-commerce, O2O, Localization of e-commerce, Service mode
目  录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与选题意义 1
1.2 国内外发展情况 2
1.2.1 国外发展情况 2
1.2.2 国内发展情况 3
1.3 研究目标 4
1.4 论文的主要创新点 5
第二章 O2O与本地化电商 6
2.1 O2O 6
2.1.1 O2O的概念 6
2.1.2 O2O产生的背景 7
2.1.3 O2O模式特点 9
2.2 本地化电商 11
2.2.1 本地化电商的概念 11
2.2.2 本地化电商的发展现状 11
2.2.3 本地化电商的优势 12
第三章 生鲜电商行业现状分析 14
3.1 生鲜电商的概念 14
3.2 生鲜电商的发展阶段 14
3.2.1 第一阶段:2005年-2012年 14
3.2.2 第二阶段:2012年-2013年 14
3.2.3 第三阶段:2013年至今 15
3.3 现有生鲜电商模式对比 15
3.3.1 垂直B2C生鲜电商竞争力分析 18
3.3.2 综合B2C生鲜电商竞争力分析 18
3.3.3 平台类生鲜电商竞争力分析 19
3.4 优菜网案例分析 20
3.4.1 运作模式 20
3.4.2 物流配送 21
3.4.3 发展优势 22
3.5 优菜网存在的问题 23
3.5.1 物流配送问题 23
3.5.2 生鲜产品标准化问题 23
3.5.3 用户习惯及信任问题 24
第四章 生鲜电商总体服务方案 25
4.1 优菜网O2O解决方案 25
4.1.1 服务解决思路 25
4.1.2 服务方案详解 26
4.2 配套服务措施 28
4.2.1 物流优化措施 28
4.2.2 生鲜商品标准化措施 31
4.2.3 用户习惯及信任培养措施 36
4.3 服务难点分析 39
第五章 执行效果评估 41
5.1 评估指标体系 41
5.1.1 指标定义 41
5.1.2 评价体系补充说明 42
5.2 数据来源与数据处理 43
5.2.1 数据来源 43
5.2.2 数据处理 43
5.3 效果陈述 45
第六章 结论与展望 48
6.1 结论 48
6.2 展望 49
参考文献 52
致谢 53

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