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摘 要
目前,已经有许多厂家开始研制基于电磁波法和微波法等的含水分析仪,相信在不久的将来会逐步采用射线法进行油品含水的在线分析测量。市场上标称计量准确度可以达到国标要求的国内外含水分析仪近 20 种,不仅计量准备性和运行稳定性较以往大为提高,而且日趋轻便化、智能化、自动化、菜单提示式的软件设置技术已经广为采用。在这些含水计量仪表种,有利用数字电路技术客服模拟电路漂移老化问题的,有利用界面友好的菜单提示式窗口软件简化仪表测试过程的,有利用计算机或智能芯片实现温度、密度等参数在线自动补偿的,所有这些都说明含水计量技术正进入新的发展时期。

关键词: 单片机;传感器;含水率测量
Currently, there are many manufacturers started to develop methods based on the electromagnetic wave and microwave moisture analyzers, etc., we believe that in the near future on-line analytical measurement of oil water will gradually adopt ray method. The nominal measurement accuracy can meet the national standard requirements moisture analyzer on the market at home and abroad nearly 20 kinds, not just measure ready and operational stability is greatly improved than in the past, and increasingly portable, intelligent, automated, menu prompts type of software Set technology has been widely adopted. In these kinds of water measurement instruments, use of digital circuit technology Customer analog circuit drift problem of aging, use of user-friendly menu prompts window software simplifies meter testing process, use of a computer or smart chip temperature, density and other parameters on-line automatic compensation, all of which are described water metering technology is entering a new period of development.
The design of the oil from the microwave technique to measure the moisture content of the principle of the starting oil was designed for use moisture measurement system, designed to work primarily done AT89S52 microcontroller as the core, and by the current / voltage conversion circuit, a signal amplifying circuit , analog / digital conversion circuits, display system and keyboard circuits, systems, and other components of the power supply circuit. The oil moisture meter can be accurately measured by a variety of important parameters of oil pipelines and oil samples in the moisture content of the oil, medium temperature, pressure and flow. Instrument for the shortcomings affected by the temperature sensor, the instrument design and the use of temperature zoning Amendment Act, which effectively overcome this shortcoming.

Keywords: microcontroller; sensor; moisture measurement
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及目的 1
1.2 油品含水量测量方法综述 2
1.2.1蒸馏法 2
1.2.2卡尔·费休法 2
1.2.3电容法 3
1.2.4微波法 3
1.2.5射频法 3
1.2.6气相色谱法 4
1.2.7红外吸收法 4
1.2.8放射线法 4
1.2.9密度法 4
1.3 国内外现状及发展趋势 4
1.4 影响测量精度的主要原因 5
1.5 设计方案 6
2 硬件设计 8
2.1总体设计 8
2.2 测量原理 8
2.2.1 含水率测量 8
2.2.2 介质温度测量 9
2.2.3 压力测量 10
2.2.4 流量测量 10
2.3 总体框图 11
2.4 I/V转换电路 12
2.5 单片机系统设计 13
2.5.1 单片机 13
2.5.2 A/D转换模块 15
2.5.3 电源电路 16
2.5.5 存储器部分 19
2.5.6 模拟信号的数据选择 21
2.5.7 键盘/显示接口部分 22
3  软件设计 26
3.1 A/D转换程序 26
3.2 键盘显示程序 26
结论 30
致 谢 32
参考文献 33

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