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摘  要


Ball mill winch grinds material by rotating a cylinder with steel grinding balls, is an efficient tool for grinding many materials into fine powder. It is widely used in building material, chemical industry, etc. A Ball Mill
The ball mill energy use factor is low, the distribution situation has the enormous relations with the material in grinding. Therefore discovered more approached the grinding machine outer layer, the abrasive action is bigger. When grinding machine actual production, the materials entered the mill to fall directly the inner layer, the process dynamics analysis, the inner layer material had to through the long time to enter the outer layer, reduced the production efficiency greatly.
In order to cause the material to be quickly even, it has made the improvement to grinding machine feeding. First the old-style right angle feeding change the inclination angle type, then slide the angle to be bigger than stops the angle, will cause the material fast smoothly to enter. Then reasonable selection feeding spot, causes the material to enter the tube body outer layer directly. Finally through the computation and empirical dates, had determined the device material, the material feeding rate, the mill the rotational speed and the grinding machine power and so on.
Key Words:Ball mill; feed-in; feed inlet

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
引  言 2
1  大型球磨机概述 4
1.1 粉磨的意义 4
1.2 大型球磨机的分类及工作特点 4
1.2.1 大型球磨机的种类 4
1.2.2 大型球磨机工作的特点 5
1.2.3 大型球磨机粉磨系统 5
1.3 球大型球磨机的分类及性能 6
1.3.1 球大型球磨机的种类 6
1.3.2 球大型球磨机的优缺点 8
1.4 球大型球磨机的主要构造 9
1.4.1 球大型球磨机的基本结构 9
1.4.2 球大型球磨机的主要部件 12
2  大型球磨机罐体焊接自动化装备装置的机械设计 19
2.1 大型球磨机的焊接自动化装备形式 19
2.2 大型球磨机焊接自动化装备口的改进设计 21
2.2.1 大型球磨机焊接自动化装备口存在的问题 21
2.2.2 对焊接自动化装备口的改进 22
2.2.3 焊接自动化装备端材质的选择 23
2.3 合理选取大型球磨机焊接自动化装备点 23
2.3.1 球大型球磨机的工作原理 24
2.3.2 实际生产中的焊接自动化装备方式 25
2.3.3 研磨体的运动轨迹 26
2.3.4 研磨体及物料的受力分析 29
2.3.5 影响研磨的原因 33
2.3.6 对焊接自动化装备点的选取 34
2.3.7 球大型球磨机焊接自动化装备方式的改进 35
3  焊接自动化装备装置相关参数及计算 36
3.1 大型球磨机作业的技术条件和工艺技术指标 37
3.2 主要参数 39
3.3 大型球磨机填充率 41
3.4 大型球磨机的适应转速 42
3.5 大型球磨机功率计算 45
4  结  论 47
致  谢 48
参考文献 49

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