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The design of the moving system of the welding positioner is the core content of the scheme design ,but the system depends on the moving freedom`s certainty.The key part of the design of the welding positioner is the design of the moving freedom, according to the best welding position. The main parts of the welding positioner include overturning machinery, circumgyrating machinery,and the base.The arm-extending welding posioner is used most widely ,the load is less than one ton.The arm-extending welding positioner is the machine which makes the workpiece circumgyrate and overturn to make the welding line on the workpiece park the level direction and cymbate position. The welding positioner`s makeup and operating principle make up of the paper ,which disserates the design of the turning gear of the machine .The belt driving and two stage worm – worm wheel retarder make the turning gear realize the man`s anticipating speed.The use of the techogenerator which will feed back the instant speed to the generator and then the controller will adjust the speed makes sure of the high welding line quality.

Key words: welding positioner; techogenerator; turning gear; retarder

摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 Ⅲ
前言 1
第1章  绪论 2
1.1伸臂式焊接件回转机构械概述 2
1.2 课题研究的意义及现状 5
1.3 论文主要研究内容 5
第2章  回转机构中非标准件的设计计算及校核 7
第3章  回转机构中标准件的选择及校核 29
3.1 轴承的选择及校核 29
3.2 键的选择及校核 34
3.3 电动机·螺纹紧固件·密封圈的选择及校核 36
第4章  焊接件回转机构械其它机构的简单设计概述 37
4.1 伸臂梁的设计计算 37
4.2 倾斜机构中减速器的设计计算 37
4.3 底座和箱体的设计 37
结论 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41
附件1 42
附件2 53

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