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摘 要
根据实际需求,电费征缴管理系统这个项目采用模块化的设计思想,在Windows XP操作系统环境下,搭建ASP运行环境IIS6.0,通过使用VBScript脚本语言完成动态的、交互的web服务器应用程序,实现电费征缴管理系统的主要功能。

关键词: 电力信息化;数据库;ASP;管理系统
After many years electric power information construction, the electric power enterprise has already completed a series of services to the production, the marketing and so on the various computer information system. The electrical bill newly pays expenses information this kind to pay expenses the way to cause the original power supply enterprise ascending pipe straight to copy the unceasing trend of escalation the inhabitant customer to pay expenses the difficult question to be able to solve.
This system is the electrical bill which specially designs for the electric power department institute drafts gives the management system management system, it including the electric power charge department must pays expenses the user to open a bank account the registration, the user pays expenses, the user pays the expense, function and so on remaining sum inquiry. The system may the security, quick, the clear inquiry use electricity the expense to have the situation, the situation and the account fund situation, and carries on the electrical bill paying.
According to the actual demand, the electrical bill drafts gives management system management system this project to use modular the design thought, in Windows under the XP operating system environment, builds ASP movement environment IIS6.0, through uses the VB Script language dynamically to complete, the interactive web server application procedure, the realization electrical bill drafts gives the management system management system the main function.
This system has the various characteristic: System function complete, easy to operate simple and direct, the human nature user contact surface, the security keeps secret the establishment to be complete, greatly reduced operator's work load. This system exhaustively described the development electrical bill to draft gives the management system management system the entire process, was according to the software engineering thought design, including demand analysis, system design, system detailed design and so on. In the design, to the system overall plan design, has used "from the top downward” the method, but has used regarding the information system concrete service "from bottom to top" method.

Key word: Electric power information; Database; ASP; Management system

摘 要. I
Abstract II
前  言. 1
1 现行系统调查研究. 2
1.1 企业概况. 2
1.1.1 自然情况简介. 2
1.1.2企业组织机构. 3
1.2业务流程描述. 4
2 可行性研究. 6
2.1经济可行性. 6
2.2技术可行性. 6
2.3操作可行性. 7
2.4法律可行性. 7
3.需求分析. 8
3.1总体目标. 8
3.2 具体目标. 8
3.3系统数据流图及功能分析. 8
3.3.1数据流图. 8
3.3.2系统数据流图. 9
3.4 数据元素. 11
3.4.1 数据元素卡. 11
3.4.2 数据流卡. 13
3.4.3 数据存储卡. 15
3.4.4  数据字典. 16
4.总体设计. 18
4.1总体设计的任务及原理. 18
4.1.1 总体设计的任务. 18
4.1.2 总体设计的原理. 18
4.2 目标系统的模块结构. 18
4.2.1系统的HIPO图. 18
4.2.2 模块HIPO 20
4.3数据库设计. 23
4.3.1 E-R图. 23
4.3.2数据库物理设计. 24
5.详细设计. 26
5.1详细设计的目标及任务. 26
5.1.1详细设计的目标. 26
5.2 输入/输出设计. 26
5.2.1  输出设计. 26
5.2.2 输入设计. 28
5.3  开发环境. 29
5.3.1  Active Server Pages 的特点. 29
5.3.2 开发工具. 30
5.3.3 系统运行环境. 31
5.4 应用程序设计. 32
5.4.1 应用程序设计框图. 32
5.4.2 程序完成情况. 32
5.5程序流程图. 33
5.6 界面设计及代码. 34
5.6.1 系统登录界面. 34
5.6.2 主界面界面. 36
5.6.3 开户登记界面. 39
5.6.4 系统其它主要界面. 42
6 系统测试与评价. 44
6.1 系统测试. 44
6.1.1 单元测试. 44
6.1.2 组装测试. 44
6.1.3 确认测试. 44
6.1.4 系统测试. 44
6.2 系统评价. 45
6.2.1 评价项目 评价指标 考虑因素. 45
6.2.2 技术评价. 45
6.2.3 经济效益评价. 46
6.2.4 综合评价. 47
6.3 系统维护. 47
6.3.1 维护的内容. 48
6.3.2 维护的类型. 48
结论. 50
致 谢. 51
参考文献. 52
附录A 53
附录B 64

前  言

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