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摘  要

关键词:旅游信息宣传  JSP  SQL2005数据库  计算机网络应用
With the development of the national economy, the improvement of people's living standard, the entertainment has become more and more important, especially the development of the tourism industry change rapidly. The tourism industry has formed a larger scale, the tourism industry as the pillar third industry is more intensive, the tourism industry in quality and quantity, the sustainable development of tourism resources development, multi dimension, and the opportunities and challenges of the development of tourism industry and.

According to the conventional mode of operation of the actual situation of the tourism industry and tourism industry, tourism information system includes the foreground, background etc., through the strong support of the network environment, to realize the full range of unified propaganda city attractions, city tourism real time access to detailed information, to provide an accurate analysis of the implementation of effective control. It also provides a powerful interface function, can be flexible with the special environment of the local requirements, personalized shaping a city tour, double gain makes the final city to promote and profit.

With the tourism industry scale unceasing expansion, management of these huge system is very difficult, because the personnel of tourism is always changing, so must the real-time dynamic information of city tourism publicity, this for a management staff is a more complex matter, storage, query, consulting business work is essential for publicity system.

In order to make propaganda personnel free out from the heavy work, so that staff can easily to promote all the tourism resources in the use of a system, and the accuracy, ease. Therefore the development of a tourism information system is a pressing matter of the moment, significance and research purposes is the topic of this paper.

Key words: Publicity of tourism information  JSP  SQL2005 database  application of computer network

目 录
第1章  绪论 1
1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2  课题发展现状及趋势 2
1.3  论文主要内容和结构 3
1.3.1  论文的主要内容 3
1.3.2  论文的主要结构 3
第2章  系统开发工具及相关技术 4
2.1  JSP概述 4
2.1.1  JSP简介 4
2.1.2  JSP的优点 4
2.2  SQL2005概述 5
2.2.1  SQL2005简介 5
2.2.2  SQL2005的优点 5
2.3  Adobe Dreamweaver概述 5
2.3.1  Adobe Dreamweaver简介 5
2.3.2  Adobe Dreamweaver 优点 6
第3章  系统需求分析与概要设计 7
3.1  用户需求分析 7
3.1  数据库需求分析 8
3.1.1  数据库设计过程 8
3.1.2  数据库需求分析及E-R图 9
3.2  系统可行性研究分析 11
3.3  系统概要设计 13
3.3.3  原型法 13
第4章  系统详细设计及实现 16
4.1  数据库结构的创建 16
4.2  功能的实现 20
4.2.1  系统前台功能的实现 20
4.2.2  系统后台功能的实现 27
第5章  结论与展望 32
5.1  结论 32
5.2  展望 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34
附录A 35
英文原文 35
中文译文 43

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