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摘 要

This paper mainly introduces the design of the 387 diesel engine parts of piston group. In this design, considering the 387 diesel engines are mainly applied in small and medium-sized machinery, agricultural production environment is bad, need often has better performance for internal machinery products provide enough power. The Diesel 387 which designed this time is on the basis of the old Diesel 387 and increasing the piston stroke, with its power performance and economical efficiency enhanced. However, because of the work itinerary increased, its balance became worse, noise and vibration also increased. So in this design, I have to take some certain measures. Combustion Chamber using injection type, easy to start, energy saving effect, and can make the efficiency and performance improved greatly. The engine speed is 3000r/min, about 27kW/12h calibration power, speed and the current low power of the car needs. Through the parameters and process performance control can make fuel consumption in 245g/kW. This paper discusses the design requirements and characteristics of the cylinder important parts。
My main task is to design 387 engine parts of piston group. On the first, according to the diesel’s performance target, I should to choose the main performance mark of the diesel. Then in the light of the design of 387 diesel parts of piston group to design the structure. When explained the process of the parts of piston group design, I also summarized the main parts. This thesis focused on expounding the foundation and process of the 387 diesel engine parts of piston group design.
KEY WORDS: diesel engine, the piston, the connecting rod,

第一章 前 言 1
§1.1 柴油机技术概述及发展趋势 1
§1.1.2  柴油机技术的发展趋势 1
§1.2 我国柴油机技术的发展 2
第二章 整体设计 4
§2.1 柴油机设计的总体要求 4
§2.2 柴油机的设计要求 4
§2.3 轿车柴油机简介 5
§2.4 柴油机主要零部件的设计 6
§2.4.1 活塞 6
§2.4.2 连杆 6
§2.4.3 曲轴飞轮组 7
§2.4.4 气缸盖 7
§2.4.5 机体组 8
第三章 活塞组零件的参数选择 9
§3.1 活塞组的工作条件 9
§3.1.1机械负荷 9
§3.1.2热负荷 9
§3.1.3活塞高速滑动,润滑不良 9
§3.2 活塞的设计 9
§2.2.2 活塞的材料 9
§3.2 活塞头部的设计 10
§3.2.4 活塞裙部的设计 13
§3.3 活塞销的设计 14
§3.4 塞环和活塞环槽的设计 16
§3.4.1 活塞环的工作情况和设计要求 16
§3.4.2 活塞环的组合和结构 16
§3.4.3 活塞环和环槽的参数选择 18
§3.5 活塞组的重量 19
第四章 活塞的应力分析和强度校核 20
§4.1、活塞的校核 20
§4.2、活塞销的受力与校核 21
§4.3、活塞环的校核 23
第五章 连杆组零件参数的选择 25
§5.1 连杆的工作情况 25
§5.2 连杆的材料 25
§5.3 连杆长度的确定 25
§5.4 连杆小头的设计 26
§5.4.1、小头结构形式 26
§5.4.2、小头尺寸 26
§5.4.3、连杆衬套 27
§5.5 连杆杆身的设计 27
§5.6 连杆大头的设计 28
§5.6.1、连杆大头的剖分形式 29
§5.6.2、连杆大头的定位方式 29
§5.6.3、连杆大头的主要尺寸 29
§5.7 连杆组的重量及惯性力 30
第六章 连杆的受力分析和强度校核 30
§6.1连杆小头 30
§6.2连杆大头 34
§6.3连杆杆身 34
结 论 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 38

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