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系    别:     机电信息系        
专    业: 机械设计制造及其自动化
班    级:                
姓    名:                
学    号:            



205年 4月

摘  要

Small sand screening machine design is commonly used as a screening device. It is widely used in metallurgy, coal, electricity, chemicals, building materials, light and food industries, and other ancillary equipment to achieve screening, feed, ingredients, packaging and quantitative process automation.
With the continuous development of industry, the screening machine variety, quality and functionality, such as the rising demand, so that the development of improved screening machine to a new stage. The topic for the current site, the artificial screening labor-intensive, low efficiency, screening nonuniform rational design of a combination of screening and screening inertia small gravel screening machine, in order to improve efficiency.
This paper discusses the design of the analysis, including the identification of categories of sand screening machine with features and design solutions; for movement of materials analysis, dynamic analysis and calculation of the kinetic parameters of the small sand screening machine, rational design of small Size of gravel screening machine; exciter eccentric block to the design and calculation, etc., including the original design parameters, the motor design and verification; the main components were designed and calculation, design and calculation of belt checking, spring design calculations, the intensity axis calculations, selection and calculation of the bearing, then the equipment maintenance, installation, lubrication design, and finally a small green and sand screening machine reliability were assessed and analyzed.

Key words:Small gravel screening machine;Vibrator;Eccentric


目  录
1 绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2背景 1
1.3振动机械的分类 4
1.4我国振动式筛分机发展方向 4
1.5本文研究的思路与方向 4
2 筛面物料运动理论 4
2.1筛上物料的运动分析 4
2.2正向滑动 7
2.3反向滑动 8
2.4跳动条件的确定 8
2.5物料颗粒跳动平均运动速度 9
3 小型砂石筛分机的工作原理及结构组成 10
3.1小型砂石筛分机的工作原理 10
3.2小型砂石筛分机基本结构 10
3.2.1筛分槽 10
3.2.2激振器 10
3.2.3支承装置和隔振装置 11
3.2.4传动装置 11
4 小型砂石筛分机动力学基本理论 11
5 小型砂石筛分机参数计算 16
5.1运动学参数的确定 16
5.2工艺参数的确定 17
5.3动力学参数 18
5.4电动机的选择 18
5.4.1电动机功率计算 18
5.4.2选择电机 19
5.4.3电机的启动条件的校核 19
6 主要零件的设计与计算 21
6.1轴承的选择与计算 21
6.1.1轴承的选择 21
6.1.2轴承的寿命计算 21
6.2皮带的设计 22
6.2.1选取皮带的型号 22
6.2.2传动比 22
6.2.3带轮的基准直径 22
6.2.4带速 22
6.2.5确定中心距和带的基准长度 22
6.3轴的设计 24
6.3.1轴的设计特点 24
6.3.2轴的常用材料 24
6.3.3轴的强度验算 24
6.4支承弹簧设计验算 27
7 小型砂石筛分机的安装维护 30
7.1小型砂石筛分机的安装及调试 30
7.1.1安装前的准备 30
7.1.2安装 30
7.1.3试运转 30
7.2操作要点 30
7.3维护与检修 31
8 设备的环保、可靠性评价 32
8.1设备的环保 32
8.2设备的可靠性 32
8.2.1可靠度的计算 32
9 结论 34
结束语 35
参考文献 36
致 谢 38
毕业设计(论文)知识产权声明 39
毕业设计(论文)独创性声明 40

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