摘 要
Small Charpy impact test machine is a digital measurement of metallic materials under various conditions , the environment, the mechanical properties of metallic materials, machinery parts, engineering structures , process performance, internal defects and verification of dynamic unbalance of rotating components , precision test equipment, the materials can be tension, compression, bending, shear , torsion, impact , fatigue , creep, persistent , relaxation , wear, and hardness test . In the research and exploration of new materials , new processes , new technologies and the new structure of the process, small Charpy impact test machine is a digital indispensable test equipment.
Taking into account the friction and wear properties of experimental techniques in rolling friction coefficient of friction and friction are important parameters affecting the friction and wear according to the status of modern digital compact pendulum impact testing machine exists , in order to more easily measure up in the office desktop experiment materials we developed the design of the small ring -block wear small digital pendulum impact tester . Use in the design, loaded lever principle and relevant knowledge of tribology and mechanics of materials , the basic completion of the design goals. The test machine is simple structure , stable operation , easy to operate , to meet the need for tribological experiments under different load, speed , friction materials and other conditions.
Keywords : Digital Impact Tester ; pendulum ; rack
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 绪论 4
1.1课题的提出 4
1.1.1课题产生的背景 4
1.1.2 课题的意义 5
1.2国内外实验机研究的回顾、现状及发展趋势 6
1.2.1国内外小型摆锤式数字冲击试验机发展及其趋势 6
1.2.1国内外各种实验机的介绍 7
第2章 小型摆锤式数字冲击试验机总体设计 12
2.1加载方式 12
2.1.1液压式 12
2.1.2机械式 13
2.2传动方式 13
2.3总体结构 14
第3章 运动动力设计与验算 17
3.1滚珠丝杠副的运动动力设计计算 17
3.1.1静载荷条件 18
3.1.2丝杠寿命计算 18
3.1.3丝杠强度计算 19
3.1.4丝杠的稳定性 20
3.1.5丝杠的刚度 21
3.1.6丝杠的传动效率功率 23
3.1.7滚珠丝杠几何参数 23
3.2电机的选择 25
3.2.1步进电机的选择 25
3.2.2异步电动机选择 26
3.2.3电动机的参数 26
3.3各轴功率,转速,转矩的计算 26
3.4各级传动的设计计算 27
3.4.1第一级带传动设计计算(同步) 27
3.4.2第三级带传动 30
3.4.3蜗轮蜗杆减速器的计算 32
3.5支撑滚珠丝杠的轴承的选择及验算 36
3.6离合器的选择计算 38
第4章 使用说明 41
4.1设备安装与调试 41
4.1.1设备接收 41
4.1.2主机安装 41
4.1.3摆锤的安装 41
4.1.4检查跨距 42
4.1.5电气安装 42
4.1.6附件 43
4.1.7开机调试 43
4.1.8检查回零误差和能量损失 43
4.2电器控制按钮说明 45
4.2.1取摆 45
4.2.2放摆 46
4.2.3冲击 46
4.2.4拨动开关 46
4.3试验操作 47
4.3.1准备 47
4.3.2开机 47
4.3.3试验 47
4.3.4试验结束 48
4.4设备的保养 49
4.5注意事项 49
4.6常见问题的分析与处理 50
总 结 51
参考文献: 52
附图1:地基图 53
附图2:电气接线图 54
附图3:电气原理图 55
附图4:试验机 56