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关键词: 合成氨; 天然气; 转化; 变换; 物料衡算; 热量衡算;


Ammonia is the most important one of basic chemical products, plays an important role in the national economy. Ammonia production after years of development, now has developed into a mature chemical production processes.
With the increasingly severe environmental pollution,the trend that the whole earth warms up becomes more and more obvious.Thus,conversion of synthetic ammonia from the natural gas which is one kind of the clean energies will still hold an important position in the following several decades.
Gas of main composition is methane, is recognized as a clean energy in the world today, after the combustion of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides was only 50% and 20% of the coal pollution .Natural gas is one of a kind of fine chemical raw materials, so the natural gas as the resource of the chemical industry more and more get the attention of people.
The design review described some of the major domestic and international situation and the development of synthetic ammonia industry trends and technological process. The basic principle,process flow,existing problems and the key problems resolved in various process lines of the  different processes by which the natural gas was converted into synthetic ammonia were comprehensively introduced.
The design is based on annual output of 120,000 tons of natural gas as raw material, the design of synthetic ammonia transformation process. Using the United States developed by Kellogg Company of Kellogg ammonia synthesis process. This process is based on natural gas as a raw material for synthetic ammonia. Combined process for desulfurization of low pressure parts including, one or two paragraphs into high and low temperature transformation, as well as raw materials for precise gas by methanation of carbon and energy and material balance accounting, but also the calculation of the heat exchanger equipment.
Introduction of ammonia synthesis production process, highlighted by this process of material balance calculate, energy calculation confirming the main equipment selection. In recent years, the large-scale industrial development soon ammonia, low energy consumption, the clean production of synthetic ammonia equipment development are the main direction of technical improvement, is to develop better performance of catalyst, reducing ammonia synthesis pressure, the development of new materials gas purification methods, reduce fuel consumption, low heat recovery and reasonable utilization, etc.

Keywords:SyntheticAmmonia;NaturalGas; Transformation; Transformation; Material balance ;  Heat Balance
目 录
第一章  文献综述 1
1.1 合成氨的性质、用途及其重要性 1
1.1.1 氨的性质 1
1.1.2 氨的用途及其在国民生产中的作用 2
1.2 合成氨的发展技术 3
1.2.1 世界合成氨技术的发展 3
1.2.2  国外合成氨技术概况 4
1.2.3  中国合成氨技术的发展 6
1.2.4 合成氨技术未来发展趋势 7
1.3 成氨的工艺流程 8
1.3.1 合成氨的典型工艺流程介绍 8
1.3.2 合成氨转化工序的工艺原理 10
1.3.3 合成氨变换工序的工艺原理 11
1.4 合成氨催化剂 12
1.4.1 催化剂合成氨的反应机理 12
1.4.2 铁基催化剂的研究 13
1.4.3 钌基合成氨催化剂 15
1.4.4 母体的选择 15
1.4.5 载体的选择 15
1.4.6 促进剂 16
第二章  工艺流程 17
2.1 工艺介绍 17
2.1.1 原料的选择 17
2.1.2 原料的脱硫 17
2.1.3 造气 19
2.1.4 一氧化碳变换 21
2.1.5 CO2的脱除 23
2.1.6 甲烷化法微量CO、CO2的脱除 24
2.2 氨合成工艺条件 25
2.2.1 压力 25
2.2.2 温度 26
2.2.3 空间速度 27
2.2.4转化炉出口气甲烷含量 27
2.2.5 入塔气体组成 28
2.2.6 催化剂的粒径 29
第三章  工艺计算 30
3.1 物料衡算 30
3.1.1 工艺流程图 30
3.1.2气体流量与组成 30
3.1.3 消耗定额的计算 31
3.1.4脱硫槽108-D物料衡算 35
3.1.5一段炉101-B物料衡算 36
3.1.6 二段炉103-D的物料衡算 40
3.1.7 高变炉104-DA的物料衡算 44
3.1.8 低变炉104-DB的物料衡算 46
3.1.9 102-F排水量的计算 47
3.1.10 101-E脱碳量计算 49
3.1.11 甲烷化炉101-D的物料衡算 52
3.1.12 整个低压系统进出口物料校核 54
3.2  热量衡算 55
3.2.1 计算原理及方法 55
3.2.2一段炉101-B辐射段热量衡算 56
3.2.3二段炉103-D热量衡算 63
3.2.4 换热器101-C的热量衡算 66
3.2.5 换热器102-C的热量衡算 68
3.2.6 高变炉104-DA热量衡算 69
3.2.7  换热器103-C热量衡算 71
3.2.8 换热器104-C热量衡算 73
3.2.9 低变炉104-DB热量衡算 74
3.2.10 甲烷化炉104-D热量衡算 76
第四章  工艺设备的计算 79
4.1 换热器101-C的计算 79
4.1.1 已知条件 79
4.1.2 物性数据 79
4.1.3 确定结构 83
4.1.4传热膜系数计算 83
第五章 安全生产 86
5.1 防火防爆 86
5.2 防毒防害 87
5.3 防噪声和震动 88
5.4 防机械和堕落伤害 88
第六章 工业三废的后处理 89
6.1 合成氨转化净化工序三废的来源 89
6.1.1 废气的来源 89
6.1.2 废水的来源 89
6.1.3 废渣的来源 89
6.2 合成氨转化净化工段三废的处理 89
6.2.1 废气的处理 89
6.2.2 废水的处理 90
6.2.3 废渣的处理 90
参考文献 91
致 谢 92

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