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文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  
摘  要
    本课题主要研究无人机的遥控、飞控系统实施干扰、入侵 原理,针对对抗技术,包括干扰、入侵等,进行深入研究,提出一套针对无人机的攻击和干扰技术,对以无人机为主要作战力量的部队进行有效压制。主要工作内容:1)无线电干扰技术;2)基于无线电的入侵;3)飞行控制干扰技术等。


    Under the conditions of the battlefield for future information needs of research of digital technology and its application in man , combat detachments . Future digitization man or combat units , information technology and weaponry and man combine together , can greatly improve the soldier , squad combat capability , viability , with its research covers communications, control , investigation,Navigation , information gathering , decision support , and many other content. The topic will be combined with computer technology , the use of embedded systems technology , research and solve basic problems on the digital future of man . Each sub-project will be an in-depth study of digital technology man , detachments of information systems. By combining these technologies together organically , you can gradually construct A prototype of the digital future man , combat units on the battlefield.
    The main topic of research UAV remote control, flight control systems theory, for major combat against technology, including interference , intrusion , etc., in-depth study , propose a technique for UAV attacks and interference , and on to the UAV is forces troops effectively suppressed. Main tasks : 1 ) radio interference ; 2 ) radio-based intrusion ; 3 ) flight control interference technology.

Keywords : drone ; against technology ; controlled interference ;

目  录
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