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摘  要


关键词: 按钮制品;按钮制品模,CAD(制图)



 Products using the button materials are modified polystyrene is a thermoplastic material, in line with the requirements of injection mold which accuracy is not required, generally four will be able to meet the requirements according to the mission statement of requirements, the parts are played batch production, so the use of a 24-cavity mold design, die embossing templates and set up in the middle plate between the ordinary form of gating system point gate, according to estimates of the workpiece material and the weight of condensate feed system. use XS-Z-60-type injection machine, 315 * 400 * 194A1 mold frame .. parting in the middle between the board and set the template, type material when the pull rod to use with condensate material out, and then pull the material shot putter and condensate with the parts and material ejection, according to the precision parts and calculate the size of a large cavity and core small dimensional tolerances, wall thickness according to strength criteria to take 5mm. templates and thus draw the parts diagram, and finally draw assembly drawing and checking the parameters, check and correct to use the entire design process required rigorous, not every aspect of negligence, the standard reference manuals related to mechanical-related design. this set the mold structure is simple, to achieve some mechanical automation.

 Keywords: button products; button products mold, CAD (drawing)


目  录
摘  要 3
Abstract 4
第1章 绪论 6
1.1 背景及意义 6
1.2 发展趋势 6
1.3 塑料模具的分类 7
1.4本论文的选题依据和研究内容 8
第2章 塑件的工艺分析 9
2.1分析塑件使用材料的种类及工艺特征 9
2.2分析塑件的结构工艺性 9
2.3 塑件精度要求 9
第3章 初选注射机确定型腔数 10
3.1根据塑件的形状估算其体积和质量 10
3.2确定型腔数 10
3.2.1注射机额定注射量Gb,每次注射量不超过最大注射量的80% 11
3.2.2 根据塑件精度,由于该塑件精度较低,故采用多型腔模具,即n=24。 12
3.2.3 生产批量该塑件属大批量生产,故宜采用取多型腔模具。 12
第4章 模具结构方案设计 12
4.1 确定成型位置 12
4.2 确定分型面 12
4.3 脱模原理 12
4.4 浇注系统形式 12
4.4.1主流道设计 12
4.4.2 分流道设计 13
4.4.3 浇口的设计 13
4.5 冷却与加热系统 13
4.6确定主要零件结构及尺寸 13
4.6.1型腔尺寸计算 13
4.6.2 定模座板 14
4.6.3 定模板 15
4.6.3 中间板 16
4.6.7 推杆固定板 17
4.6.8推板 18
4.6.9 动模座板 18
第5章 模具工作零件的设计与计算 19
5.1 型腔侧壁厚度和底板厚度的计算 19
5.2 脱模机构的设计与计算 20
5.2.1脱模力的计算 20
5.2.2顶杆直径的计算 21
5.3 注射机与模具各参数的校核 22
5.3.1工艺参数的校核 22
5.3.2安装参数的校核 23
总  结 24
参考文献 25
致  谢 26

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