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本 科 毕 业 论 文

题    目 东西部消费分类指数差异分析  
学    院    信息科学与技术学院   
专    业    软件工程(本)  
学    号  201010414111             班级  2010
指导教师  李梅                  职称  副教授
2014 年 05 月 16 日

摘    要




With the rapid development of China's economy, the income of urban residents increased , strong consumption expenditure of urban residents in various regions of growth , great changes occurred in the consumption structure . However, due to the uneven development of regional economic differences and the original economic basis , the consumption structure of each region there are still significant differences . In order to further improve the consumption structure , the right guide consumption , raise the level of consumption and quality of life of urban residents, it is necessary to similarities and differences between the consumption structure of urban residents among regions to inspect and compare to find its characteristics and laws , from macroscopic grasp the difference between the status quo and the consumption of urban residents consumption levels in different regions of each region to provide basis for decision making to improve the level of consumption of various regions .
Based on the index system used to collect various regions sas consumer price index and raw data , using factor analysis, cluster analysis , the consumption structure of urban residents in the eastern and western provinces to conduct a comprehensive statistical analysis and comparison . By analyzing and evaluating the impact of the indicators of consumption structure , can be summed up some of the characteristics and laws of each of the consumption structure of urban residents , as well as regional differences produce consumption reasons .

    KeyWords:Consumer difference ; sas; consumption structure
目   录
第一章  引  言 - 1 -
1.1  研究背景与意义 - 1 -
1.2  本文的主要工作和内容安排 - 1 -
第二章 课题相关研究介绍 - 3 -
2.1  国外研究现状 - 3 -
2.2  国内研究现状 - 3 -
2.3  东西部消费价格指数概述 - 3 -
第三章  我国东西部消费价格指数和东西部商品零售价格指数数据分析 - 5 -
3.1  我国东西部消费价格指数和东西部商品零售价格指数数据 - 5 -
3.2  SAS数据分析 - 6 -
3.2.1 Listing - 6 -
3.2.2 Analysis - 7 -
3.2.3 Anova - 7 -
3.2.4 box plot    c1 year - 10 -
3.2.5  box plot   c2 year - 10 -
3.2.6 scatter c1 c2 year - 11 -
3.2.7  scatter   hpc gpc year - 12 -
3.2.8 scatter    hpv gpv year - 13 -
3.3 分析结果 - 14 -
第四章  我国东西部分类指数差异实例分析 - 15 -
4.1  数据及变量 - 15 -
4.2  模型 - 16 -
4.2.1  基本模型 - 16 -
4.2.2  模型的扩展 - 18 -
4.2.3  模型的延生 - 19 -
4.2.4  邹氏检验 - 21 -
4.3  结论 - 21 -
第五章 总结 - 23 -
参考文献 - 24 -
致    谢 - 25 -

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