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摘    要
系统采用了结构化生命周期法进行开发,严格按照开发步骤进行。同时系统开发结合了大量的图表和图形,例如:系统分析时利用了组织结构图、业务流程图和数据流程图;系统设计时利用了E-R图、网络结构图和数据库表等,方便了系统的开发,也让人易于理解。本系统结合了C/S 和 B/S 模式的特点,采用SQL SERVER 2000作为数据库服务器,Apache或Tomcat4.1作为WEB服务器使得整体结构更加合理。系统采用Visual Basic 6.0作为C/S 模式下的客户端应用程序开发工具,以Java Server Pages (JSP)作为B/S模式下WEB应用程序的实现方式。
关键字:连锁店信息管理系统  拉格朗日插值模型   库存模型  
The Information Management System is designed for Zhi Fei chain store , which links the control of the headquarters with the controls of all of the multiple shops together. It works in the system management when the purchasing business is in the charge of the headquarters while selling business is in the charge of each chain store . The system puts emphases onto the guidance and control from the headquarters .
 The system is developed with a method called Structured Design Life Cycle , which has a few steps in order . In the meanwhile , a mass of charts and diagrams were used . For instance , we use different charts to describe the structure of organization , the processes of business and data flows in the system analysis , using other kind of diagrams to describe Entity and Relationship , network structure and structure of database during system designing . All of these charts and diagrams bring a lot of convenience to system development. The system contains the features of both B/S and C/S model. SQL Server 2000 Used as database server , Apache and Tomcat as web server make the whole system more reasonable. Visual Basic 6.0 is used as a tool to program the applications under the C/S model , Java Server Pages as a way to realize the web application under the B/S model.
     For enriching the function and enhancing the scientific value of the system, Lagrange Model and Inventory Model as a mathematics method are integrated and merged into the system to foretell the amount of selling business and perfect the control of the inventory.
     In the end , the treatise gives some advice on how to  further develop  the system , and a short discussion on the data mining in such kind of system is also given.
Key words:  Information Management System of the chain store  Lagrange Model   Inventory Model 
第一章 系统的开发背景和开发方法.............................. 1
1.1 系统的开发背景............................................... 1
1.2 系统的开发方法............................................... 1
第二章  系统调查和系统分析................................... 3
2.1系统调查..................................................... 3
2.2系统分析..................................................... 4
第三章  系统设计........................................... 11
3.1系统结构设计................................................ 11
3.2 系统代码设计................................................ 12
3.3 系统输入输出设计............................................ 14
3.4 数据库设计.................................................. 14
3.5 系统网络设计................................................ 23
3.6 系统安全性设计.............................................. 25
第四章  系统实施........................................... 26
4.1 系统环境设计................................................ 26
4.2 系统模式.................................................... 26
第五章 系统中的数学模型..................................... 28
5.1预测模型.................................................... 28
5.2 库存模型.................................................... 28
第六章 系统开发后的思索与探讨............................... 32
6.1管理信息系统合理完备的结构和功能............................ 32
6.2 连锁企业信息管理系统中商品的分类管理........................ 32
6.3 连锁企业信息系统中的数据挖掘................................ 32
参 考 文 献................................................ 34
结  束  语................................................. 35

第一章 系统的开发背景和开发方法

1.1 系统的开发背景

跨如21世纪,我国的零售业格局发生了巨大的变化,连锁超市以其“一站式购物” 、“自主选择” 、“低价” 等特点赢得了零售行业的很大一部分市场,逐渐成为零售行业的主力。在此背景下,短短几年内,我国国内连锁超市发展迅速。但是,我国成为WTO成员以后,我国的连锁企业在应对国内同行业竞争的同时,将面临来自沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙、易初莲化等国际连锁巨头更加激烈的国际竞争。在日益激烈的市场竞争中,连锁企业除了依靠各自的经营理念、经营策略参与市场竞争外,科学管理在连锁行业的重要性更加首当其冲地突显出来 ,而其中信息管理系统是科学管理极为重要的一部分。一个好的信息管理系统除了具有是企业节约劳动成本、降低操作中的错误率等传统特点外,更重要的是,它将进货、配送、运输、销售等各种具体业务紧密的连接在一起,使他们成为一个有机的整体。因此,信息管理系统已成为当前连锁店业务管理的核心部分,管理信息系统性能和发挥的作用也直接影响了企业整体经营的运行。本系统正是为了适应当前连锁模式下经营管理的需要而设计开发的。
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